Thursday, March 26, 2015

[Herald] Radio Star MC Kang Ye-won their debut

[Weekly bestseller - "The Adventures of management" ... not ride at night to eat the food, what do you ... bakseung, 'new team-Rookie of the Year "title to get ... [Issue Interview] Lee supervision" Zheng as' twenty' ... resin and Gwanggyo living infrastructure at the same time ... "Ray ... only obstacle in the treasure ... just ... Molly Musikdrama investors 'One Fine Spring Day' re-birth of the show ... thriller ... Joo Won, Yu Hae-jin Choi Ju-bong ... shamanism. 0.9 Line extension opening the way to work ... 'jiokcheol' w ... [Han Hyun-hee Channel daseungwang hold King Han Hyun-hee ...
[Herald reporter = Hong Sung-won] President Park Geun-hye was poured out stuffy mind with respect to symptoms that are controversial nine days. If the economy is to secure the revenue hoe goes smoothly geotinde planting revealed an uncomfortable about raising the heat only the symptoms discussed in the political high intensity than ever before. 9 In an open presidential senior secretaries remind the meeting. Finish the eve of the new political plosive new Moon Jae-Democratic Union lawmaker elected hoe by dangdaepyo "symptom-free hoe welfare trick," said the current government and politics surrounding the situation then clearly establish taxes by means of said daeripgak is observed that is difficult to easily seal. President Park is a large part of the meeting was devoted to all the remarks expressed controversial stance on symptoms hoe and voice higher than ever before. He said, "If you do that enough revenue'm doing my best to be kicked hoe economy because more tax on the people, it can be the people on our side are you talking about politics. It is always said that one does not leave my head. " Congress has not passed a bill that yirwojiji service industry, public pension deficits hoe and financial business economy basement hoe leaks and various reforms hoe promoted bisexual thing is not right to mention the signs in a situation that is trying to fulfill the three won through will ensure a ilgal. President Park has a duty to think did we do this, we always pay more seriously before giving it to said "truly national" The most important hoe thing to look for ways to strengthen the well-being, while minimizing the burden on the people. " "he said. Yet he, "If the economy is a tax that all the best for the economy to be more naturally walk mustache did," said "no hoe matter how the economy is not activated also reap tax, business people are not willing to invest entrepreneurship and work If you do not have a commitment to it and I do not think the difference would build a castle on the sand, "he said. Yet he Toro to "reap the tax so that it sparkles like what is it that is going to temporarily fit gatahdo 'Ringer injection' Obama not doing that kind of risk we can not think," said explosive. "The hoe Assembly Government has let it be all our best to revitalize the economy that's even better is that we let welfare revive the economy without burdening the people with it because of that problem and in addition it enabled the economy to create jobs through There is such a profound hoe meaning contained ahninya going to betray people if outside hoe it, and you think, "made a direct hit altitude. Park Geun-hye President also stressed the urgent symptoms youth employment problem solving in addition to controversy. He returned the youth unemployment "heart pain", "sleep will not come about," said exposed the sad feelings intact. President Park is "I opened last Friday the low fertility aging society committee two years he worked as a contractor in public institutions after the contract expires gotta listen to the story of one participant that the job search hoe and resume your heart truly aches antakkawotda" "Our young people this and that if he accumulates the specification wasting your time and energy hoe and graduated to a troubled marriage and did the right time to be able to work and would not have the right to have children, "he said. Yet, "That is why it is what youth employment problem solving can be called the first button on the low birth rate problem solving further our society while creating a virtuous cycle that can be healthy development of the core and Zerah the 'kingpin'," he said. President Park Geun-hye hoe as well as "I can not say in February graduation and employment season, if you can not obtain a job, and I think that the core weigh their parents and youth about sleep will not come," said "Meanwhile, the government has been doing a lot of efforts to increase the employment rate but it still seems to be lacking a lot. There is a decent hoe job, such as Jiangsu and businesses in a mismatch of information between job seekers in many cases it is still empty, "he said. He urged that "I hope Gumtree plus welfare and employment centers, employment linked to events such as the available public sector role in job matching focused hoe commitment hoe season." Hong Sung-won reporter / hoe
<Re-imagine! Life beyond hoe Media, Herald reprint and redistribution prohibited "
[Herald] Radio Star MC Kang Ye-won their debut 'Magic Castle ... Rectangle hoe Ladies' yeonjieun 'warm'

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