Monday, March 9, 2015

Restrictions on the use of peony roots ... are generally toxic and their use does not exceed the re

The peony is one of the most honorable plant, it is believed that it will bring joy and (marriage) good luck. Their soothing scents and offers a healing effect. relaxation for all family members. Showy, lush, elegant embodies love and affection, prosperity, honor, courage, nobility, and peace. The flower comes to life, full of beautiful flowers and green leaves, the plant in China is a good luck omen, flower paintings are often hung in offices, in order to bring happiness and good deals there. According to the Chinese concept of "complementary opposites", peony has a positive impact on women's and men's harmonious kooelule. Creates a good Feng Shui energy, when you are looking for faithful and loving companion. China still peony paintings, flower vases, or bedroom to attract the perfect partner, or there in order to maintain a happy marriage. A pair of pink peonies knotted can boost energy, primarily to improve the subject of love and romance.
Which part of the drink ... Ravimitoormena whole plant is used, in particular, root, as well as herbs, leaves, flowers and seeds). Herbs collected during the flowering period: up to 50 cm in length are cut off ladvaosa and dried. Doe (which may be difficult to 5-6 kg) are collected, and the roots of the vegetation period kies of time, preferably at the same time, wort (in principle, at any time), washed, cut and dried at a temperature of 45-60 C. Maintaining ... The roots excavated, removed from the aboveground part and wash it clean. Dry in the attic or roof base. When the drug becomes brittle, it is järelkuivatus (in an oven, the oven) at a temperature of 45-60 C. Retention period is 3 years. Effects ... both formal and folk medicine is recognized as a universal medicinal plant peony. Widely used in many countries, particularly in eastern countries. Pharmacological. disinfects, strong bactericidal, antiviral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, a strong calming, antitoksiline * phlegm laxative, * stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, regulates kies the menstrual cycle *, * their effect can be a substitute for medical preparations amidopiriini, püramidooni, Analgesics, paracetamol
Healing ... eliminates the strong excitation, nervousness during the climax, before going to sleep, anxiety, stress, fear, and all kinds of ärevushoogude; well eliminates the pain in the ears, teeth, kies bones and joints, kidneys, bladder, liver, uterus, kies stomach; eliminates spasms of the bronchial tubes, the intestine, the stomach; improves metabolism, eliminates kies fatigue, strengthens the body, helps to recover the body during sleep well and wake up reipana; increases appetite, improve digestion; slows down the aging process and stimulates noorenemist; excellent for preventing the emergence and evolution of liver disease; kies a good antidote to poisoning event. Cancer opponent. * Suppresses (blocks, slows down, stops) in cancer formation and development; * Prevents the development and spread of metastases; * Enhances NK (cancer-killing) - the number of cells; * Increase the number of elements in the system of protection against cancer in the body, normalizes its composition; * The properties of the cytostatic activity - acts as a chemical treatment. Helps treat ... well your liver, kidney, central nervous system, stomach, intestinal diseases kies (ulcers, gastritis, colitis); gynecological, neurological diseases and colds; hypertension and vascular vegetative dystonia caused him (toonusehäirumust blood vessels); cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, tuberculosis, epilepsy, neurasteeniat, psychoses, epilepsy, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, uterine bleeding, bruising in the eyes; stomach, liver and uterine cancer and others. is used in the case of stroke.
Restrictions on the use of peony roots ... are generally toxic and their use does not exceed the recommended dose. After overdose, difficulties arise in the stomach may cause nausea and vomiting. Do not use supplements during pregnancy, peony, give children under 12 years. Common uses of peony ... The course of treatment kies preparations should kies be used for 40 days. It has been observed that preparations are drinking in the early hours of peony, reveals a calming effect. 1. Veetõmmis roots. Take 2-3 tablespoons of chopped dried roots, kies pour boiling water and boil for 2 hrs in a water bath for 10 minutes, drain, add 2 teaspoons of honey. Effluent from 0.5 at 20 minutes kies before each meal. Used to brew dressings moistened, made compresses. Is more frequently used for stomach ulcer, gastritis, colitis, gynecological disease, bronchitis, the common cold diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and the digestive organs, renal diseases, neurological diseases, epilepsy, tuberculosis, kies common cold diseases, malaria, paralysis, and haemorrhoids, the treatment of impotence, cancer disease. 2. Veetõmmis ürdist. Take herbs and water in a ratio of 1:10. Watercress crush, kies placed in a thermos, pour boiling water and steeped for 12 hours, drain. Ingested in the same way as the root image on the same issues. Veetõmmis ürdist works well, but a bit weaker. 3. Viinatõmmis flowers. 3-6 tablespoons of floral pour 0.5 liter of vodka, kies add 2 tablespoons of honey and steeped in dark, warm place for 3 weeks. Take

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