Saturday, February 7, 2015

Very good article, and the end of the article (video) is masterly. Unfortunately, most of the probl

The number of occupants of the planet Earth currently records the number of 7 billion. All of us together are a large family who sleep and live under the same roof. But have you noticed that our roof is leaking? To us flowers veins? If our air stifling, dirty furniture and fridge almost empty? Have you noticed that the constant fighting and often bloody end? Have you wondered lab rats what will inherit, where it will sleep and what to eat our children? Everywhere you look, starting with the rooms in which we live up to the ice of Antarctica room, empty desert room in Africa, one can perceive lab rats something that is everywhere all the time - the extinction of nature. People were given the ability of thinking or intelligence imposed as the dominant creatures on the planet and shim the planet itself and its needs. However there are a handful of responsible tenants of this family who have the courage to initiate change and say out loud STOP. But despite their brave struggle, environmental problems are something that always ends up in second place - right behind the economy and our need for money and power. This belittling our planet gets the impression that the Earth does not revolve around lab rats the sun, but it's all about the money.
Polluted air, contaminated water, toxic waste and global warming are some of the diseases that plague the planet Earth, but us this diagnosis does not care because they are the consequences now small, and future generations lab rats will probably manage. Is not it sad that in our beautiful pavements, when clean, pure drinking water, until the publication in the magazine Time of diseases associated with drinking water every year 3.4 million persons die ??? This is just an indication lab rats arrogant and neiteligentnog lab rats disposal limited in the future most valuable resource.
Tsunami, earthquakes, floods, eruptions represent lab rats another face of the planet, with a face scarred from many hits that inflict him every day. The situation is so out of control that the Earth's cancer lab rats - global warming - does not attach so great importance, but if the oil price rises then it creates a fuss and panic and seek the opinion of the top experts.
Never before we did not have to learn more about the importance of preserving the environment. Individuals and organizations who advocate for nature conservation are also more numerous than ever. Never before have a technology that can help us in solving environmental problems. Yet the situation appears to be worse. lab rats Why? Pope John Paul II in 1990 at the World Day of Peace spoke very interesting sentence: "The seriousness of the ecological situation reveals how deep is the human moral crisis". So while every resident of this planet does not become socially responsible and will not realize that he is just a necessary part of a global team to achieve the strategic goal, to save our planet, we will achieve only small steps toward the goal, and counterclockwise will be within easy reach of overlap.
"No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, lab rats a part of the Earth .... The death of every man diminishes me because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell rings. You ringing. "
(John Donne) PS If you have not these words stung and stimulate thinking, give yourself another chance and see video of the girl silenced the world in six minutes! If ye will not wake up, make sure you are in the wrong house asleep :(
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I was, it seems, the first awake :) Compliments to the author, included / la the key elements of eco-problems of our world. I especially like the selection of titles, lab rats and I would add one more long sentence: "Who wants to change the world, should start from ourselves." To every man take heed only to their actions and the fact that they have consequences, the Earth would certainly be a more beautiful place to live. E.
Article which we really suggesting in one of the main problems of today. Ode to the fore are put environmental lab rats issues, but also that the world today has a range of other problems, such as a variety lab rats of diseases, economic crisis, ie. the crisis in the real sector, the crisis in the financial sector and many other sorts of Issues & Crisis. All these problems is the cause of same, and the consequences remains to be seen. The cause of the man and no one else but him. So the major crises of today is not the economic crisis, environmental problems and the like, the main crisis is a moral crisis. The crisis of distorted human values. They are the basis and given that the foundation of bad problems that occur are self-evidence.
Very good article, and the end of the article (video) is masterly. Unfortunately, most of the problems of the Earth can not be solved without some drastic action addressed to reduce the population in the world - no one wants ...
Excellent text. The problem is in the fact that we all expect that someone else will raise the bottle, which is located next to the Recycle Bin, etc. Someone

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