Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Reemerging diseases Infectious diseases are those that are considered to be epidemiological, ther

In recent decades we have witnessed the frequent discovery of new microorganisms, called pathogens. Emerging infectious diseases. Along with them there are the so-called. Reemerging diseases diseases - dangerous and previously known mass infectious diseases, which were thought to be due to vaccines and antimicrobials best vines be deleted forever, that did not happen, but surprise us with their mutated and new variants of pathogens resistant to treatment, and sometimes unrecognizable in diagnosis. All this is a new challenge to scientists and doctors in the eternal game of tag microbes and humans.
Our country has a long and successful tradition in the prevention of infectious diseases - the first preventive campaigns such diseases was conducted back in 1801, in Zadar, against smallpox. best vines However, on our laurels is not sleeping, especially if it is a race for health, below we recall some already known infection, and catch up with some new and some old returning to the "new look".
Experts say that even 600 known human pathogens emerged last 30 years. From 1973 until today, it was discovered 40 new, which means on average one new disease annually. Most of them are viral zoonoses (diseases of animal origin), and pathogens, best vines such as viruses JE (Japanese encephalitis), Australian best vines Barmah Forest and Ross River virus, Chikungunya, Hendra virus (equine measles), Nipah and Tioman virus (causes inflammation of the brain in people) , four new genotypes of lyssavirus (rabies), Dengue, West Nile virus and other pathogens of viral fever, in humans and animals transmit various vectors - insects (mosquitoes, ticks and spiders stitches), rodents and bats (bites) and others. Since syndrome "hand, foot and mouth" (Eng. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease) whose neurological form especially dangerous for children under five years and is due to infection Enterovirus (EV-71), in recent years there has been an increase in the incidence of illness among population of Asian countries, as well as increased mortality in patients. Conditions are favorable for disease
Due to the global crisis that bring social, environmental, economic and political changes, growing poverty, and climate change, to which we are often misfits, best vines with the emergence of new pathogens, justified fear of recurrence and classical infectious diseases such as smallpox, diphtheria and plague, while many still present and serious diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis B and C, various dijarejalnih, streptococcal and hemorrhagic disease, brucellosis, SARS and bird flu remains current, which thanks to resistance to drugs, poverty , overcrowding and other global domino effects, favors their survival and intensity. With these so-called. threatening infections, all of us often cares and fears of a possible bioterrorism best vines - deliberate use of live agents of infectious disease agents for terrorist purposes (anthrax, smallpox, tetanus, best vines botulism, Q fever). best vines
Emergent infectious diseases are those that have appeared recently in a population, best vines and whose incidence has increased during the last two decades and that are expected to further increase in the future. As a rule are caused by highly pathogenic microbes, often very resistant to antimicrobials.
Reemerging diseases Infectious diseases are those that are considered to be epidemiological, therapeutic and preventive measures eradicated or controlled, but instead once again become a serious health problem because such a large percentage of returning to larger spaces.
Arboviruses (Eng. Arthropod-borne viruses) are transmitted to man bites of arthropods - ticks and mosquitoes, flies and others who become infected from other infected animals, including best vines domestic animals and birds, which as a man and suck blood. Viruses world travelers
Viral diseases transmitted in various kinds of mosquitoes are now more present globally, which is not surprising when the plane came into the world for a day or two, and the virus has long been known that the "world travelers". Among the diseases that are so transferred, except for malaria in our area now current fever caused by West Nile virus, are also possible:
Mosquito species present in Croatia since 2004, the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus), the promotion in the world is closely monitoring the last twenty years. Significant notebook arboviruses (West Nile virus - West Nile virus, yellow fever virus, St. Louis encephalitis best vines virus, dengue and chikungunya) and parasites of dogs and cats.
Since this is a contagious, even life-threatening diseases, the importance of accurate diagnosis of emergent diseases is invaluable, and the challenge is to find a quick and safe time that will give results within an hour or two. The gold standard in laboratories throughout the developed world are now widely available, but also very costly methods of RT-PCR (eng. Real time) and DNA chip diagnostics. Vaccines
The development of new vaccines best vines against the disease is slow and very expensive, best vines technologically very demanding process. Against causing numerous emergent and reemergentnih disease, despite the large number of people to get sick

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