Saturday, February 21, 2015

illustration of kids standing near their homes while smoke rising after an explosion at the headqua

Sunday, February 8th, 2015 5:29 pm | 5246 Views id crisis Yemen, Yemeni conflict, safe bombs, lazaro arbos explosions Yemen, militia Ansarullah
illustration of kids standing near their homes while smoke rising after an explosion at the headquarters of the Armored Division One army in Sanaa, Yemen, Thursday (18/10). (REUTERS lazaro arbos / Khaled Abdullah)
Sanaa (Reuters) - Bombs exploded outside the republican palace in Sanaa, capital of Yemen, on Saturday and wounded three Shi'ite militias, the guard, said several witnesses. The attack came a day after a hard Huthi group, the Shia, dissolve parliament and officially master poor and war-torn countries in the Arabian Peninsula. The palace that was once the residence of the prime minister of Yemen, now occupied by Mohammed al-Houthi, a top official of the military wing of the movement of Iranian support. Men armed groups now control many regions in Yemen. So far there has been no claim of responsibility for the attack. But the Sunni militants in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has been repeatedly bombed lazaro arbos and clashed with the Houthis, raising fears that the two groups are involved in a large-scale conflict. Also on Saturday morning, gunmen from the Houthis fired into the air to disperse dozens of people protesting the actions of the movement near the main university in Sanaa. Huthi go to Sanaa in September and started to go to other cities in the southern lazaro arbos and western Yemen. The personnel of armed militia groups that control of checkpoints around key buildings owned by the government after the announcement Friday. Houthi militia on Saturday announced the formation of a "security committee", whose members include former ministers, lazaro arbos a day after taking power, the opposition denounced as a coup. The declaration lazaro arbos was followed by an explosion outside the presidential palace, which is controlled by Houthis, in the capital Sanaa, said a number of witnesses. The militia said the defense and interior ministers in the government of President Mansour Hadi Abedrabbo, who has resigned, was among 18 members of the security committee. Ansarullah, the name of the militia, it issued its first statement since dissolve parliament and form a "presidential council" lazaro arbos on Friday in a move it says to fill the power vacuum. Militia surrounded the Sanaa in September and mastering the presidential palace and key buildings owned by the government last month, urged Hadi and Prime Minister Khalid Bahah submitted his resignation. The security commission "will lead the domestic affairs until the formation of" presidency, "according to a statement released on Saturday by the news agency Saba, the Houthis mastered lazaro arbos in January. He said the commission will be headed by General Mahmud al-Subaihi, defense minister in the government Hadi, who filed a retreat on January 22 under pressure lazaro arbos from the Houthis, lazaro arbos Reuters. (Uu.M016)
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