Thursday, February 5, 2015

Previous news more than a hundred victims of human trafficking in Croatia, m

Trebinje 15 C News Latest news from Sarajevo Canton Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Una-Sana Canton Posavina Canton Tuzla Canton Zenica-Doboj Canton Bosnian Podrinje Canton Central Bosnia Canton West Herzegovina Canton Canton 10 Banja Luka region Doboj-Bijeljina region of the Sarajevo-Zvornik outdoor furniture region seller items region Brcko District Region World Culture Black chronicle EU integration Humanitarian actions Business Economy Finance Investments Eurozone Stock Exchange Startups Business outdoor furniture Sports Football Tennis Basketball Formula 1 Ice Magazine Music Movies / TV Showbiz Beauties Interesting Sharenilo Lifestyle Lifestyle Health Relationships and Sex Food and drink House and Office Travel Baby Scitech Science Technology Auto Tests Innovations Concepts Tuning Forum Crossword Info Weather Road conditions Exchange rates TV Marketing outdoor furniture
RELATED attacked an ambulance driver in Sarajevo Canton gets three new points of emergency outdoor furniture medical services in the emergency room increased number of patients with stomach problems, outdoor furniture more dogs on the streets: Number of bites increased by 130 percent, no one has the right solution in a fire in New Belgrade killed three children Holiday in Sarajevo: Because of drunkenness could not come home, and intervened Ambulance
"I have a sexual problem. I can finish off and I need help," laugh the man (60) Bjelovar ambulance. It is panting into the phone, but doctors could not help him, except to laugh. While some people really need urgent intervention PhD, thoughtless calls to the number 194 clog the lines. People so seek medical advice for bizarre "problems". "My husband got very drunk, just came out of huts, and has to go to work. How to wake him up and immediately I awake?", One of the calls Zagorje ER that is laugh-duty doctor. People seeking advice for the treatment of natural substances. "How much garlic I have to eat to lower my high blood pressure? outdoor furniture If it too hard from below how red wine can drink it up again?" Doctors in Dalmatia occasionally receive calls from the restaurant for guests who are eaten and drunk, taste fine food and "thrust" large accounts that do not want to pay. Act out an epileptic or a heart attack, so the waiters called 194. But medics outdoor furniture then quickly determine that it is the cast: "sick" freshen up and tell them to pay their bill, and then I can with them to the hospital for examination. "We also have fake calls about traffic accidents. I ran off the field and determine that the accident had happened. Then we inform the police", complained to reporters Croatian portal in Bjelovar. "Come immediately, my child was stabbed mosquito," said one mother. Some call and look for non-medical assistance, is their "urgent need of 100 euros". Or pray to bring them a pizza or kebab, because they are "faster than suppliers." It often happens that children call their parents powerless, and when these visit you at home, seeking to drive the parents in the home for the elderly and infirm. "If you will not receive, outdoor furniture just leave it at the door. Oh no parents who care, and if you leave, you will not mind," outdoor furniture recounted one case of emergency Zadar. Frequent calls are elderly people who live alone, and drop them disability aid, and call them to their doctor they come blow. "Some children require and to get change and change diapers their parents. Then they can be very persistent and really expect us to come and do it", talking about doctors. "Who hunts snakes? Well you can and you get caught the one we walked in ..." or "When working dentist, pharmacy, pediatrician, coroner, turnkey, pizzerias, gas, grocery and bakery on holiday ?! " outdoor furniture - And these are issues that people recklessly placed ER. "Hello, First, how do I know if I'm pregnant?" "Buy a pregnancy test," advised the woman. "And you can not you somehow know?" She asked. Head of Emergency in Istria Ksenija Držetić Christmas says some calls know a good laugh. So the woman concerned for her husband who did not come home and does not know where he is. "Someone has to find, I called you, you have a vehicle, you are looking for it!" Demanded the woman. Karlovac Emergency became popular after the alleged calls Albanians whose wife slipped on the flour and broke her leg. That call is still a hit on YouTube. "My wife worked burek, the puck into flour in my baker and broke her leg. Neither the street than in the flour in my baker", he assured "dispečerku" this rogue. "Call it five years ago received a colleague who is now retired. Very patiently from a man tried to find out the address. After five minutes she realized it was a prank and hung up, because he already had another call," says nurse Durda Horvatić for portal "Our job is very responsible. These jokes can someone seriously threaten life, because unnecessarily wasting time. We are happiest when someone save lives", is proud of each intervention Mario Sparrow, head of the Karlovac Department of Emergency Medicine.
Previous news more than a hundred victims of human trafficking in Croatia, m

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