Friday, February 27, 2015

Top News BMKG: 7.1 magnitude earthquake shook the East Flores 4 hours ago Congress KNPI colored bea

Monday, February 2nd, 2015 15:07 pm | 2,589 Views id role of scouts, family planning, population explosion, Yusuf Effendi
Cibinong, West Java (ANTARA hornets News) - Chairman KwartirDaerah Scouts of West Java, Dede Yusuf, expect the role of scouting organization that continues to be improved, one of which help socialize the population explosion hazard. "Make Scouts hornets of the agents of change, to maintain green spaces and population explosion," he said in Cibinong, Bogor regency, West Java, on Monday. hornets He said the family planning program efforts hornets to control the population explosion --sebagai --hendaknya not be taken lightly. "If taken lightly, population explosion occurred, and it is definitely our burdens grow," he said. In the Soeharto era, population control through family planning program with its BKKBN, very successful. Indonesia became a model in this regard by the world. But since the reform, the program is no longer hornets running on a massive scale and are likely no longer hornets popular with the public. West Java is the most populous province and one that has the highest population growth rate in Indonesia. In scouting activities in the country, formed many units work as a manifestation of specialization and development of its members, ranging from the level of enforcement (Bantara and the like), builder, until mainstay. Among the work unit is Saka Aerospace, Maritime Saka, Saka Family Berendana, Bhayangkara Saka, Saka Wanabhakti, and Saka Bhakti Husada. Relevant agencies hornets become partners in the development of all saka it.
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