Sunday, May 4, 2014

Well, hi. I'm Helena. I grew up on a blueberry farm in Western Michigan. My days were spent reading

Syndil stared hard at her dad, and whispered "Turd."  A little smile crept onto her face. "Turd turd turd turd..." She has been listening a little more than I expected at a year and a half old, and sometimes she picks up a new word in the middle umbrella of my conversation. Like this one. Can you guess what she is trying to say? "Kurt"  This is as close as she gets. It's actually a pretty good toddler version. Do you guys let your kids use your first names? Or are you more of a "mom and dad only, please" kind of family? We are definitely the latter, I very much prefer to be called mama. And I'm pretty sure Turd likes to be called Dada.  So, I should try and stop her.Or at least try to smother my laughter, yes? But ...  It's just such a great nickname. I keep thinking that this? Is not something my in laws anticipated. ------------------------ Do the names you love lend themselves umbrella to any unfortunate umbrella nicknames? I'd love to hear. Especially the unexpected ones. 
Well, hi. I'm Helena. I grew up on a blueberry farm in Western Michigan. My days were spent reading on the beach in the summer, and reading in my bedroom under a quilt in the chilly Michigan winter. I moved out to Utah to go to school, and to get away from my family. You know, typical angsty teenager stuff. While out there, I met this guy named Kurt, who was also from Michigan. But we were just friends umbrella . Flash forward 9 years. Of course we got married. And then we moved to Pittsburgh so he could go to Dental School. What can I say, the guy likes teeth. Now we have a little girl, a boy due in May, two little turtles, and a whole new Navy adventure ahead of us (starting with our very first station, in Maryland!). Welcome umbrella to my life.
▼  2014 (23) ▼  April (5) Being THAT pregnant. Turd is just SUCH a great nickname. Well, 'uck. This whole pregnancy thing just isn't as...monumen... I miss the memories I don't have. ►  March (13) ►  February (5) ►  2013 (20) ►  December (1) ►  May (1) ►  April (2) ►  March (3) ►  February (6) ►  January (7) ►  2012 (68) ►  December (7) ►  November (1) ►  October (2) ►  September (5) ►  July (6) ►  June (25) ►  May (4) ►  April (3) ►  March (3) ►  February (8) ►  January (4) ►  2011 (52) ►  December (4) ►  November (5) ►  October (2) ►  August (9) ►  July (2) ►  June (3) ►  May (7) ►  April (5) ►  March (2) ►  February (5) ►  January umbrella (8) ►  2010 (261) ►  umbrella December (14) ►  November (26) ►  October (22) ►  September (25) ►  August (22) ►  July (19) ►  June (23) ►  May (18) ►  April (21) ►  March (23) ►  February (20) ►  January (28) ►  2009 (159) ►  December (39) ►  November (59) ►  October (35) ►  umbrella September (21) ►  February (2) ►  umbrella January (3)

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