Wednesday, May 28, 2014

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Finally we are getting a reason the inhabitants of the peaceful Switzerland to say thank you. With eidgenssischen Rundfunkbeitrgen coy the Swiss Radio and Television (SRF) has produced a Hrspiel the sdwestdeutschen band The Schwarzenbach. It integrated silver towards the end, directed fhrten Johannes Mayr (SRF) and Thomas Weber. The play air next Wednesday, 20 clock, in the cultural coy radio SRF 2 and is outside the Alpine republic - Toll-Free - receive via web stream. The band unit according to the lesbian writer Annemarie Schwarzenbach (1908-1942). It consists of the dreikpfigen chamber Kollektief (Heike Aumller, Johannes Frisch and Thomas Weber) and Dietmar Dath. Two albums have the four previously verffentlicht together, the last unit Farnschiffe (ZickZack 2012). Even more than this plate the Hrspiel silver towards the end lt understand a concept album. coy Here, as there are eleven songs. One difference is the Auffhrungsform. The Hrspiel is as 54mintige sound file if the technology takes part, played without a break, coy a round-Herswitchen between tracks is impossible. The sound erschliet as a whole, as in the time aufgefhrtes panorama. coy But the songs are good hllisch. Between them ertnen short dialogues. A sort of frame story leads from song to song. Thus the habit of expecting the already received Next at the end of each song, undermined sent. What is it about the piece? A nameless painter (voiced by Dietmar Dath) was jilted by his girlfriend in Dachgeschostudio and white not know what to paint now (never themselves), but is about the relationship Trouble and sings for absentees: We both are, if I understand correctly, probably over. / Well, if that is so, then I sometimes stop painting. Disappointed by the people, he falls in love with the color itself (voiced by Aumller), which is from now on, his muse: You give me color, I'll sound. / So the time is never long. Sounds twisted, but has hand and foot. With the personalized color of the painter errtert coy fundamental coy questions of linguistics, coy media theory, coy or gender and queer studies. Thus, the time is never really long. In Song severity art is settled with German Rockgepolter la Heino (who rocks so spt through night and wind? / If that does not have even the rocker! / You rock wild and loud rock. / And who does not mitrockt, will spank). The fantastic feign tolerance questioned the Groherzigkeit the long-suffering. In La stay there the denial of homework, military service or shaven is required. With silver towards the end of the Kunststck, wit and anger, melancholy and love succeed equivalent to sing. And shortly before Schlu offers Unfortunately, I am dead, one of the most beautiful love songs ever, a gently broken and patched back together Goth romance, before which even well-Edgar Allan Poe bows hut. This Hrspiel is a unique black tulip with trkisen strips. Because Turquoise paints the painter's love: the friendly lights instead of nasty So isses..
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