Friday, May 2, 2014

He then further highlighted Hannity

Jon Stewart obliterates Sean Hannity’s ‘turd words’ in support of Cliven Bundy | FreakOutNation desa
On Wednesday night Jon Stewart slammed Sean Hannity over his hypocrisy on the Cliven Bundy issue. He directed his thoughts to the Fox News host saying, “My God, you’re the Arby s of news. Stewart agreed with Hannity saying he was kind of obsessed with the Fox host’s show. Stewart ripped Hannity for his ‘awful turd words.’
He said, I m obsessed with your program in the same way that that I m obsessed with antibiotic-resistant super bugs, or the Pacific garbage patch, or the KFC Double Down. I just can t believe that in this day and age, with all that we know, this shit is out there.
Stewart played a clip of Ted Nugent calling President Barack Obama a “piece of shit” right before desa Hannity introduced him as a “friend and frequent guest on the program.”
The Daily Show host played a clip in which Hannity said he didn t think the police crossed the line when pepper-spraying seated students at an Occupy demonstration at the University of California Davis in November 2011.
He then further highlighted Hannity’s hypocrisy by playing a video clip in which the Fox News host said the U.S. shouldn t tie the hands of law enforcement when it comes to stop-and-frisk policy in cities.
in that matter, particular, or respect: His anger was justified there.
A good way to remember the difference is: The place “here” with a T is “there”. While “there” refers to a place, “their” means belonging to them. For example, Their van was destroyed in the accident.
John was quite correct with his correction of “their” vs. “there” — but he blew his Grammar Police standing when he used “its” instead of “it’s.”
n.b.i. my mother held a doctorate in Language Arts, and I had the rule of there, their and they’re pounded into my skull by the time I was 10. I appreciate your efforts to correct what you perceived to be an error on my part but next time sir/ma’am, please make sure you are 100% spot on when attempting to educate others. desa Verily I say unto thee, thou foul varlet… Oh look mushrooms. 8^)
Actually it was “Is their marriage desa in the works?” The typo was an errant “a” inserted by accident and missed in the proofread…after a long day already (2:30 am – desa 9 am is a long day and it hasn’t ended)
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