Wednesday, May 7, 2014

then the caveat to that would be the Republican Party (especially the Tea Party) could be holding th

The Obamacare Turd Sandwich : NO QUARTER USA NET
The Obamacare Turd Sandwich By Larry Johnson close Author: traeger Larry Johnson Name : Larry Johnson Email: Site: About: Larry C. Johnson is a former analyst at the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who moved subsequently in 1989 to the U.S. Department of State, traeger where he served four years as the deputy director for transportation security, antiterrorism assistance training, and special operations in the State Department's Office of Counterterrorism. He left government service in October 1993 and set up a consulting business. He currently is the co-owner and CEO of BERG Associates, LLC (Business Exposure Reduction Group) and is an expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, and crisis and risk management, and money laundering investigations. Johnson is the founder and main author of No Quarter, a weblog that addresses issues of terrorism and intelligence and politics. NoQuarterUSA traeger was nominated as Best Political Blog of 2008. See Authors Posts (2321) on April 4, 2014 at 11:03 AM in Current Affairs
The delusion of Barack Obama and his disciples is alarming. They genuinely believe that they have turned the corner on the “problems” with Obamacare and that the only thing left to do is simply remind Americans of that this is a great law and fixes the problem of people not being able to get health insurance. This is beyond whistling past the graveyard.
This problem is not going away. Pity the crazy Democrats who insist that all passengers on the Titanic, having hit the iceberg, should stay in bed in their state rooms. That strategy only leads to a sunk ship and dead people.
Pelosi suggests Robert Gibbs is being paid to criticize traeger Obamacare Damn she’s a nasty old bat!
I’m currently reading D. W. Ulsterman’s Dominatus. It’s an easy read, fiction, but relevant. It’s currently available traeger as a Kindle download at Amazon for $5. It will be interesting to find out if reality turns out to imitate fiction. Has anyone traeger read it?
I’m surprised that the liberals aren’t howling about cruel and unusual punishment.
Administering the 2010 healthcare law is just like municipal snow shoveling — a top priority that s non-negotiable, John Koskinen, the commissioner of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, said today.
No single entity – not the President, traeger Senate, traeger House of Representatives, state Governors, nor anyone else – has the power to overturn a US Supreme Court ruling. Supreme Court decisions cannot be nullified by other parts of government. traeger However, if the Supreme Court strikes down a federal law, Congress can always modify the law until it is such that the Supreme Court does not consider it to violate the Constitution, then pass it again.
then the caveat to that would be the Republican Party (especially the Tea Party) could be holding the reins of powers for years to come because Obamacare will make the average person’s life hell on earth especially when the higher premium payments kick in due to the burgeoning traeger government bureaucracy and its attendant red tape, the incoming employer mandate and its attendant problems and the discovery of sky high deductibles when the average person needs it the most.
(Discussion of CIA job stresses)
…….”The agency also this week came under scrutiny from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence traeger over the agency s role in obscuring the facts surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound traeger in Benghazi, Libya.
Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell told the committee that agency analysts concluded that a protest took place in advance of the attack that killed four Americans, including traeger U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher traeger Stevens.
Then use this little publicized Plan B which allows a private insurance company to sign you up at any time, as long as they don’t discriminate against your now full-blown pre-existing illness.
Is a turd sandwich meaner or nicer than a meanwich? Is a turd sandwich better or worse smelling than a stinkburger? I just love the direction political discourse has taken.
I fully agree with you. The same guy claiming that bullying is wrong believes that demeaning, taunting and ridiculing entire groups traeger of people is fully acceptable. Something tells me that the Pope didn’t mean this when he spoke to Barry about empathy toward others with whom you disagree.
Kenosha, I was, of course, not making a negative comment about LJ’s choice of words. I was, I thought, helping LJ by showing the way Obama has influenced the discourse. For a POTUS to do that sort of thing is despicable, and all one can do sometimes to counter his language is to use the same s

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