Monday, May 26, 2014

1 day ago

I did not trust me so far, "unite" A rose with a tulip to. For us it has always been said earlier, "no, that two such distinct species that do not fit together." compost But I find it even fit very well together, especially in this color choice. Well, for taste is well known (not) argue. But currently gracing the "Two" our living room.
canelpule I am glad that you are here on my blog! I'm Albert, I live in Tyrol, working as a freelance artist, writer and designer, and would like to inform you of my life here. I visited in Hagenberg / Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences "Media Technology and Design". My hobbies are reading, taking pictures and philosophize, cook, make beautiful and exciting things, listen to good music - and run with like-minded people an inspiring entertainment. And I am of course happy to get comments from you! View my complete profile
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"One of the most valuable features is the forgetting of Commons. Whoever does not have, carries all the pockets full of stones. He will also soon be able to insert anything of value." Frank Thiess, 1890 - 1977, German poet and dramatist
So it was time in front of our house. The small white dot above is the moon that shines through the branches of the trees. The bright light below is the lantern in front of our house. Was shot the photo with my cell phone camera (Samsung Galaxy II).
1 day ago
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