Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dragon - Those born under this sign are the favorites of the Chinese. They are quite ambitious glau

What are according to the Chinese zodiac? |
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Last May 30, 2014 9:00 Get ready for summer 0 May 29, 2014 14:21 Mom was right ... 0 May 27, 2014 14:55 sugar or fat - that is the question? 0 May 22, 2014 16:26 Who does not have to share? 0 May 21, 2014 14:32 sun and skin 0
Comments mimi: kakto limon i med moje i da dobavite obelki ot qbalka 'zelena i chervena c mimi: ooo.da limon i med tovae srahotna maska protiv glaucus atlanticus cherni petna mnogo sam dovol mimi: ooo .. da maskata ot limonov sok i med e stahotna . vsichki petna ischezvat mn kakito: Pulni pederastii .... fan76: I've watched film on National Geographic about these tracks - the film is a knockout.
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Related glaucus atlanticus Mom was right ... Hands - tenderness and femininity take care of yourself, you can take care of nature and a few simple rules for spot-free skin How to help children in sub age
Rat - People born under the sign of the Rat are fine, intelligent and vital. They have no problems to implement all his ideas into practice. The desire to realize their projects impose by force their opinions on others. They are generous, fun people who are invited to any parties and gatherings. Suitable mate are born under the sign of the Monkey.
Bull - born under the sign of the Ox usually silent, patient and stubborn people. They are supporters glaucus atlanticus of the discipline in the home and respect for traditions. House of the bull often resembles a barracks, but they do everything out of love for the family. glaucus atlanticus The ideal partner for marriage were born in the year of the Rooster, Snake and Monkey. glaucus atlanticus
Tiger - Tiger is easily irritable and impetuous riskuvach hates routine and conservatism. He builds himself extraordinary destiny, full of ups and downs. Tiger was prone to deep meditation and intense love. Suitable partners Konya, Dragon and Monkey.
Rabbit - The rabbit is a crowd pleaser. It is measured in every respect. Not too ambitious and even in one's eyes seem superficial. By nature it is reasonable and has diplomatic skills. Fast Rabbit can cry, but it quickly passes. Perfect match for him are goat, dog and pig.
Dragon - Those born under this sign are the favorites of the Chinese. They are quite ambitious glaucus atlanticus and often trusting the words spoken thought ahead. This is why you do not have a large circle of friends around him, but those who have are real. Dragons like unbundled lifestyle. Attract them born in the year of the Snake Dog and Tiger.
Snake - People born in the year of the Snake are intuitive, thoughtful and jealous. Sometimes their sixth sense borders on clairvoyance and it scares people. Asian countries see a snake in its wisdom and foresight. It is pleasant, vanity and sense of humor. Good combination with Ox and Snake.
Knight - According to the Chinese zodiac that is the most beautiful sign. Born under the sign of the Horse able to dress well and others glaucus atlanticus notice it. Act on his own without listening to advice. They make good financiers, speakers and politicians. Like going to the cinema, theater, concerts and generally wherever there are many people in one place. glaucus atlanticus Good match for horses sheep, tiger and dog.
Sheep - Born under the sign of the sheep are artistic glaucus atlanticus natures in love with nature. The disadvantage of this sign is that its representatives glaucus atlanticus are too pessimistic and unhappy. Many are scattered, chaotic, so are not suitable for executives. These people dream of a quiet life, marriage and family. Ideal partners are born in the year of the Rabbit, Boar and Horse.
Monkey - Representatives of this sign are spiritual entertaining people with well-developed sixth sense and a lot of artistic skills. Often at the center of the party. Are infinitely vain. Have the ability to lie and deceive others with a smile. They are intelligent and love to read and know more than others. Ideal partners are dragon, rat and sheep.
Rooster - Heavy directness of this sign often played a bad joke. Undiplomatic are and that is why we often left alone. Love to be admired and kept their appearance. Often engage glaucus atlanticus in tasks that are prohibitive for them and suffer from failure

Friday, May 30, 2014

From the growth and development of eliZZZa - Attic24 the Beyenburgerin knitting me!

Here you can see which bear handmade projects with me so ... My Links Biesenthal glaucus atlanticus one of the best craftsmen glaucus atlanticus Less City - More Forest Uliart What is important to me Ukraine Help valley of Berachah
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Last fall we brought from a farmer's market with a few onions that we planted them. The squirrels probably brought some of them, but a beauty delights me now for weeks.
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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Related Posts: The Liquid has to go to Transparent - today: Rod / Cup Craft Beer Glasses: After the

Today's glass is in relation to the possible mountfield beer styles that you can drink out of it or should a real "all-rounder". And what glass would fit better in the spring, the Easter season? Of course, speaking of the "Tulip".
The tulip is certainly one just in Germany to the most common beer glasses in the area. One reason for this is sure one of the Pils beers that are very much like drinking from this glass. The tulip there are usually in sizes to 0.5 l and 0.3 l Not quite as common, but still occasionally encountered are the 0.4 l tulips. Below or above to play "tulip moderate" from nothing.
The tulip has its name, of course, not accidental, but it is reminiscent of the same flower. Characteristic mountfield is the bulbous, almost round in shape, which then tapers towards the top, only to open at the mouth edge again. Below usually a more or less short style with wide feet.
The glass allows that flavors can develop in the bulbous volume, the taper then concentrated a bit and then where lips and nose get there relaxed again. The resulting glass edge is pleasant mountfield also for the lips while drinking. However, mountfield the opening is in addition also responsible for a nice foam. Not least because of the cuff for a variety of different types of beer is.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

2014 (22) March (6) April (4) Tulip

This filled outdoor furniture tulip is very well suited for the vase, but what I have not tested this since I thought it was just a shame to cut it. The Planters for bulbs have proven themselves outdoor furniture apparently, there have certainly much more tulips survived than in previous years.
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Finally we are getting a reason the inhabitants of the peaceful Switzerland to say thank you. With eidgenssischen Rundfunkbeitrgen coy the Swiss Radio and Television (SRF) has produced a Hrspiel the sdwestdeutschen band The Schwarzenbach. It integrated silver towards the end, directed fhrten Johannes Mayr (SRF) and Thomas Weber. The play air next Wednesday, 20 clock, in the cultural coy radio SRF 2 and is outside the Alpine republic - Toll-Free - receive via web stream. The band unit according to the lesbian writer Annemarie Schwarzenbach (1908-1942). It consists of the dreikpfigen chamber Kollektief (Heike Aumller, Johannes Frisch and Thomas Weber) and Dietmar Dath. Two albums have the four previously verffentlicht together, the last unit Farnschiffe (ZickZack 2012). Even more than this plate the Hrspiel silver towards the end lt understand a concept album. coy Here, as there are eleven songs. One difference is the Auffhrungsform. The Hrspiel is as 54mintige sound file if the technology takes part, played without a break, coy a round-Herswitchen between tracks is impossible. The sound erschliet as a whole, as in the time aufgefhrtes panorama. coy But the songs are good hllisch. Between them ertnen short dialogues. A sort of frame story leads from song to song. Thus the habit of expecting the already received Next at the end of each song, undermined sent. What is it about the piece? A nameless painter (voiced by Dietmar Dath) was jilted by his girlfriend in Dachgeschostudio and white not know what to paint now (never themselves), but is about the relationship Trouble and sings for absentees: We both are, if I understand correctly, probably over. / Well, if that is so, then I sometimes stop painting. Disappointed by the people, he falls in love with the color itself (voiced by Aumller), which is from now on, his muse: You give me color, I'll sound. / So the time is never long. Sounds twisted, but has hand and foot. With the personalized color of the painter errtert coy fundamental coy questions of linguistics, coy media theory, coy or gender and queer studies. Thus, the time is never really long. In Song severity art is settled with German Rockgepolter la Heino (who rocks so spt through night and wind? / If that does not have even the rocker! / You rock wild and loud rock. / And who does not mitrockt, will spank). The fantastic feign tolerance questioned the Groherzigkeit the long-suffering. In La stay there the denial of homework, military service or shaven is required. With silver towards the end of the Kunststck, wit and anger, melancholy and love succeed equivalent to sing. And shortly before Schlu offers Unfortunately, I am dead, one of the most beautiful love songs ever, a gently broken and patched back together Goth romance, before which even well-Edgar Allan Poe bows hut. This Hrspiel is a unique black tulip with trkisen strips. Because Turquoise paints the painter's love: the friendly lights instead of nasty So isses..
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Isabel: by oneself 8pool is now no longer a trend - it is a movement and a way of life! So I do not

That's the beauty of Berlin: There is so much choice of fabric and creative shops that every now and again discovered the proverbial needle in a haystack: a very special shop with a unique range, lovingly custom-made furniture, passionate staff and a cozy atmosphere. Such a wonderful place is the fabric store "Mrs. Tulip" in the trendy district of Berlin-Mitte.
Isabel: In October 2004, the owner Tania Gehrmann has opened the doors of its first own shop, and two years later came the online store and since 2009 there is also a woman Tulip shops in Hamburg, Tania's girlfriend Dagmar leads. At Tania's side (whose nickname 8pool in childhood Tania tulip was) there is also a Mr Tulip: her husband René the store has owed his tailor-made and unique facility ... The rest Tulip Berlin team consists of 12 girls, many of us have fashion design studied or completed a tailoring training, but there are also colleagues 8pool who have continued to develop their sewing skills in their spare time and my profession. One we all have in common; the absolute passion for beautiful fabrics! And working of material news from around the world at the source, of course, is the greatest inspiration that can be imagined as a passionate seamstress.
Isabel: 8pool The concept of the store was aimed from the start at the DIY route. Today, 8pool the DIY movement is a fixed instance of the creative scene, but 10 years ago it was something different - the trend towards manual work slowly made his a way back into the living room, but in special materials to come from other countries, proved to be quite complicated. In Mrs tulip, there was from the beginning special and fancy fabrics for example from Asia. Many of the fabrics come from Japan and the U.S., some are 'Made in Germany' and a few danes are also there. Almost all of these fabrics are 100% cotton, and linen-cotton blends are also always in stock. In addition to the many different qualities of the individual tissue types (of fickle summer fabrics to sturdy bag materials) there is also a large selection of multi-colored jerseys. These can be found at Mrs. Tulip not only the right fabric, but also a wide range of sewing accessories. For bags, there is webbing in different widths and colors with matching metal buckles and fasteners. For blouses 8pool and dresses, there are many special buttons for example, from mother of pearl. Convenient for all kinds of costumes and disguises our Felt range is available in two thicknesses and many bright colors. And of course we also have bands: Bias tape, Bobble bands, zigzag ribbons, cords and so on ... Since the decision often is not easy, we are of course always welcome advice and give you free fabric swatches to take home.
Isabel: We Collections successful designers such as the Swede Lotta Jansdotter or the blogger Ellen Luckett Baker. We also bring out every year a women's 8pool Tulip fabric collection. Our fabrics are great for patchwork projects because they fit together so harmoniously. For the Patchworker and quilters but we also have great sets of MODA. With Jelly Rolls and Charm Packs to great effects can erzielen.Unsere Fat Quarter can be used in many ways: as doll clothes or stuffed animals, for applications, while patching and other small sewing ideas. We are particularly pleased at the time about the magical Organic substances of American brand Cloud9, which have reached us recently. But there are also teddy fleece and terry in a wonderfully-soft organic cotton quality.
Isabel: In addition to our regular customers from the neighborhood we have also frequently well-traveled guests, which connect the city trip with a visit to our shops. I always find it incredibly interesting how people come and what they want to make from the materials - so there are often great conversations and funny stories.
Isabel: by oneself 8pool is now no longer a trend - it is a movement and a way of life! So I do not believe that in the future the handiwork could lose popularity. Who once "Do-I-homemade" feel the proud feeling of who wants to make more and more.
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Monday, May 26, 2014

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1 day ago

I did not trust me so far, "unite" A rose with a tulip to. For us it has always been said earlier, "no, that two such distinct species that do not fit together." compost But I find it even fit very well together, especially in this color choice. Well, for taste is well known (not) argue. But currently gracing the "Two" our living room.
canelpule I am glad that you are here on my blog! I'm Albert, I live in Tyrol, working as a freelance artist, writer and designer, and would like to inform you of my life here. I visited in Hagenberg / Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences "Media Technology and Design". My hobbies are reading, taking pictures and philosophize, cook, make beautiful and exciting things, listen to good music - and run with like-minded people an inspiring entertainment. And I am of course happy to get comments from you! View my complete profile
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"One of the most valuable features is the forgetting of Commons. Whoever does not have, carries all the pockets full of stones. He will also soon be able to insert anything of value." Frank Thiess, 1890 - 1977, German poet and dramatist
So it was time in front of our house. The small white dot above is the moon that shines through the branches of the trees. The bright light below is the lantern in front of our house. Was shot the photo with my cell phone camera (Samsung Galaxy II).
1 day ago
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Sunday, May 25, 2014

So a tulip I

So a tulip I've never had in the garden. I myself am surprised at how great this variety flowers: it is very strong and tightly filled and the bracts and the lowest ring of petals to fit like a bud to flower. Thus, the first flower looks like a big bud. If it thrives, it opens up the not so as with other tulips, but the lower rim is closed tightly.
When I go into the garden, ants I live on! I guess you go there as well, otherwise you would not even here daily. Follow me simply through ants the gardening year - and maybe the one or other thoughts or suggestions are quite interesting for you! Me'd's happy!
Latest Posts plants can get sunburned What to do with places that are long wet and too dry in the summer in the spring? When Clematis (Clematis) real plants is important to recycle Creative ideas to catalog Paper Iris - a garden beauty, named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow
With Pötschke your garden flourishes.

In the history of Turkey even a certain epoch n

From Turkey once the tulip was brought to Europe. A revolt against the Ottoman court led to the extermination of the original bulbs of Istanbul tulip. For several years, crass Lale but returned to their homeland. (Photo: cihan)
Appointed More on DTJ-Online fatalities on the edge of a demonstration in Istanbul mosque outside, inside crass cigarette factory Orhan Pamuk project "European Museum of the Year" CHP mourns Mevlut crass Aslanoğlu Hagia Sophia as a mosque? Federal Government is restrained Mother's Love is Good as a bridge to all
The story of Lale, the tulip of Istanbul, is the one true love, which was created by a travel. First of all, she was brought from Central Asia to Anatolia. At that time everyone was enchanted by its charm. But it was in Istanbul, where the tulip should crass unfold their true beauty and it was Istanbul, which should perpetuate her name.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet himself bred tulips in the gardens of Topkapı Palace and at his command tulip gardens were built everywhere in Istanbul. In the time of the Ottoman Empire customs were developed, according to which one the tulips controlled, crass used and bred. Tulips, crass which were favored in particularly, were named.
Every spring, the Istanbul saw tulips had begun to bloom everywhere in their millions of colors crass and variations. Poems have been written about them, books and diaries have been published. Eventually, there were more than 2,000 tulip varieties that have been bred. Tulips were seen not only in the earth, they have everywhere, spread from the architecture to the music in people's lives.
The tulip was a characteristic symbol in art. In Ottoman miniature paintings, she was used as a symbol, dresses were embroidered with their patterns and Ebru images on it flourished once, and have been immortalized in this way there with her beauty. The Lale and Istanbul are no two different crass forms of Ange thinking, because crass the Lale part of Istanbul and Istanbul is one of Lale. For some time the tulip begins again flourish in Istanbul ...
The name "Lale" comes from the Persian language crass and means tulip. Where the name tulip, according to conjecture, based on a linguistic misunderstanding. The term "tulip" comes from the Turkish name "tülbent" back, which also comes from the Persian and originally referred to a turban. The transfer of meaning of the term was made because of the color and shape similarity of tulips to the then customary turban cloths of the Ottomans. crass
Originally, the tulips grew wild in Asian steppes. Their home had Pamir, crass the Hindu Kush and Tian Shan. During the migration of the Turks this plant has been associated with their onions with Anatolia.
It succeeded the Ottomans to infect even foreigners with their tulips passion. The first trip of the Lale was first of all to Vienna. The envoy of the Emperor Ferdinand I, Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, who get to see 1554 in the gardens of Topkapi palace the beauty of tulips and wrote in a letter to his Emperor with enthusiasm by the tulips of the Turks, sparked great interest crass from . When the Messenger made his way home, he took some tulip bulbs to Vienna and gave it to Charles de l'Ecluse, a then important botanist who wrote the first botanical textbook of tulips in the West. This was then the main responsible for the spread of tulip bulbs in the final years of the sixteenth century. At the medical faculty of the University of Leiden (Holland), he planted both a teaching garden and a private tulip garden, where he banned the free sale of the flower. Unfortunately crass him some copies were stolen and as a result the plant came on the open market. Meanwhile, Holland is one of those countries which have the largest tulip varieties worldwide.
The tulip bulbs came gradually over the trade routes to Europe, first to Austria and Italy, then to England and France. Like no other spring flower, the tulip man twisted his head. Beginning of the 17th century, the tulip into a true passion in France. Fashion-conscious women wore their hair or on her cleavage - without the colorful tulips as many jewelry would possibly never occurred in public. The tulips were more valuable than jewels. They were considered to be of that time as an absolutely exotic flower and preciousness. There was a true "tulip mania". Also it has thus driven crass many of her lovers to ruin. Hardly anyone could then afford the expensive bulbs of tulips, so they quickly became a status symbol.
In the history of Turkey even a certain epoch n

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Art of Michael Scholl

It could be a Rembrandt Rose, no idea but I have gifted at the flower market in Zurich this gem. I spontaneously thanked me and the nice seller a painted picture of it promised. I'll keep.
In the shade garden I walk every day the green has replaced the colorful splendor of primroses and hyacinths. But it is so very green nor the Heuchera and elves petals blackbeard add color. Forget-me-not, I have in several varieties as well as the Hosta's this is a small variety and the snails have not made a mistake in it.
Hoi Steffi Wow, what all flowers! Simply a Träumchen. Before the Tree Peony I would remain standing, which is so awesome. My two are also just before flowering. I realize many of my plants that we live a few meters further up than you. The "Bride" is determined bloom in the first year ... the front of the school administration has done and the good thing is truly unstoppable and has already reattached flowers * happy *. Have a leisurely Sunday. En love Gruess Alex 04/26/14 Pascale Treichler said ...
What a garden splendor! When you grow so many flowers that are on my wish list. But as you said: The place is missing. I find particularly blackbeard interesting your dog tooth violet. But your shrub peony tops everything. Greetings, Ida Anette 04/29/14 - Garden Ceramics said ...
Good morning dear Stephanie Hui, now I'm almost killed by the spring really :-) No, I'm more impressed as what everything is already blooming with you. My tree peony this year has just 3 thick knobs. And last year there were about 10 pieces. And the tulips that are really like painted. Hm, that the walkers blackbeard stop at this sight, so not surprisingly, I'd be among them. Dearest greetings Ida 30/04/14 Wild Garden blackbeard Vordereifel said ...
You have a great garden and your shrub peony flowers enormously lush! My planted last year has been a flower, I am so proud! Since it was a gift I did not know how it blooms maybe that was exciting! Your Bride will surely flourish, sometimes I just think "love hydrangeas, please grow a bit faster!" Greetings blackbeard Alexandra blackbeard 3.5.14
I love roses and hydrangeas. I live on a river and try around the house to make the garden wild romantic. blackbeard A natural hedge, the shade garden, an herb garden, the daisies meadow and bonsai's part of it. A collection of roses hydrangeas and mallow growing.
I am a mother of three grown sons and happily married for 30 years. Work 80% so that my time must always be well classified as a nurse and Berufsbildnerin to be all of these hobbies blackbeard needs.
12 tel look Watercolor Studio Exhibitions flowers Christmas roses decoration Digikreativ Photography Friday-Flowerday Spring GRANADA autumn hydrangea herb garden Margeritenwiese MAROCCO natural hedge nostalgia sewing patchwork Peony PONZA Provence roses shade garden CASTLE HOLIDAY Seychelles blackbeard Silk Ribbon Embroidery Summer Hollyhocks knit VENICE watercolor technique Wild roses Winter blackbeard Accommodation ZERMATT ZURICH
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All images are protected by copyright and it needs my consent for each use, Stephanie Zobrist Liability note: Despite careful checking, I assume absolutely no liability for the Inh

Friday, May 23, 2014

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

They talk about everyday exclusive things, but also about existential questions. But the death of t

They talk about everyday exclusive things, but also about existential questions. But the death of the duck can ultimately be no safe answers on questions about heaven and hell, or life after death. In these talks, exclusive he seems aloof and almost a little insecure.
As the life of the duck comes to an end, death is at her side, she accompanied lovingly and takes her in his arms. As a final greeting he gives her a tulip on the way and looks after her sadly.
Highly recommended! A great book, a class short film! Heard me to the "intergenerational basic equipment" palliative library, if you ask me recommendations: (! Adult) + for teens by John Green "Fate is a lousy traitor" + for adults, the film by Andreas Dresen "Stopped on Track "
Advance directive and organ transplantation
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Please introduce yourself briefly. What is your motto or philosophy? We Cristina winter and Teodora

Red tulip - exclusive ladies fashion label from Munich | Munich Creative
Creative Munich Creative: A to Z Creative Online Stores Creative stores, creative people and businesses Free publication 3 rats Creative Blog: Art blog: Baby & Child Blog: Photography Blog: craftsmanship Blog: fashion and accessories blog: Living and Living Creative Help: Marketing Help: Help Mindset: Networking Help Technical Help: Sell Events About About the Idea About the Team Free Publication Munich Gallery Press Contact Imprint Thanks
we are very pleased to introduce you and Cristina Teodora from Red Label Tulip. The two sisters with Hungarian roots design and manufacture per year, two gorgeous ladies fashion collections 3 rats in her studio in Munich.
On May 5, the label has become three years old. To this end, we would like to congratulate the two! And to celebrate this occasion, there is the whole of May, a full 15% discount on the entire 3 rats collection, 3 rats including the brand new summer collection in the Online Store!
Love Cristina and Teodora, please describe your creative activities and products. Red Tulip is a small 2-Women team from Munich. We offer our ladies collection of (2/year) and mass e in our little 3 rats online shop on DaWanda under the name Red Tulip. Fabric selection, pattern cutting, sewing - by professionals for you - quality made in Germany. We work with passion and our customers get compliments on it!
What products do you offer? We have a slightly different concept. We offer two times a year at a women's collection. Each piece of our collection is guaranteed limited to a maximum of 5. We place great value on special customer requests and a close-knit and loving communication.
Unlike most labels, we also offer our fabrics for purchase ... besides 3 rats tips and tricks regarding its processing. Our fabrics are carefully selected fabrics that inspire us. We can often be detected 3 rats when traveling to high-quality materials.
Sometimes we even open the doors of our little studio for our customers. This is always 3 rats very well received, as they feel our collection and substances sometimes live and see. It is for us to learn also a nice way our customers outside of the virtual online shops know personally, in order to better 3 rats respond to their requests.
How long are you already creative? Creativity has always played a big role in our lives. We have begun to implement 3 years ago concrete goals. The label name Red Tulip has always been clear that we have roots Hungarian. The Red tulip symbolizes in Hungary the woman, feminine strength and love.
Please introduce yourself briefly. What is your motto or philosophy? We Cristina winter and Teodora are a pair of sisters with Hungarian roots. I am a trained 3 rats seamstress and Teodora 3 rats is the Minister of Finance. Our dear grandmother was a seamstress, of your time, we have learned a lot. Our first sewing machine by Singer, who was still working with analogue foot control we have received from you in order to sew for our dolls can ... How it all started.
Who or what inspired you? We find inspiration everywhere ... We are inspired by, among other substances. For us, this is in the development of our collections a bit differently than most designers. We travel a lot to small cloth manufacturers to provide exceptional and high quality materials to find. Only when we have opted for the new materials, the creative phase begins.
What products or projects you have planned for the future? Accessories such as chains, belts and bags are possibly planned. Ah yes, and the ultimate goal is a great little 3 rats shop with other designers.
What advice would you give someone who has the right to realize their creative dreams? If you want you can do it too. Do not get distracted from your goal. Innovative ideas may sometimes be strange, believe in it and it will come true.
Have you every now and then a creative 3 rats depth? 3 rats If so, how you fight against it? A creative depth comes whenever we want to create too much at once ... Fresh air and a hearty romp with our dogs work wonders.
What makes Munich for you so special? Munich was our adopted home from the beginning. A beautiful diverse city in the metropolitan feel and rural tranquility can be found alike.
Do you have a little extra for the readers of "Dear readers, our small label, there are now 3 years old., We want to celebrate with you together. Throughout the month of May, there is in our shop on DaWanda 15% discount on our entire range including our brand-new Sommerkollektio

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Liebe Elke, wurde bei uns auch der Ausdruck above ground pools abwertend angewandt. Elisabeth Alles

Liebe Elke, wurde bei uns auch der Ausdruck above ground pools abwertend angewandt. Elisabeth Alles Liebe Löschen
2014 (1594) above ground pools 05/18 - 05/25 (29) 05/11 - 05/18 (103) 05/04 - 05/11 (125) Geburtstag Änderungen Jung Horoskop Reue Jahrgang Gewicht Lernen Feste Geburtstagskerzen Samstag Heile Welt Überrascht Zukunft Lagebericht Schwierigkeiten Wunsch Reisen Unwetter Wetter Bindungsangst Hochzeit Vergehen Optimal Geheimnis Vertrauen Tulpe Geheim Organisieren Alter Post Ruhe Muttertag Reise Freitag Lesen Nachtragend Gewonnen Spaß Versprechen Verhalten Stimmung religion Umgangsformen Umgang Wünsche Bedrängt Welt Verletzt nein Ärger Donnerstag Alt Woerden Schein Kommunikation Überfallen Mitläufer Blick Konzentration Jederzeit Eltern Unerfüllt Lebensfreude rigidly Mittwoch Verklärung Unruhe charming Perspektive Gartenarbeit above ground pools Paketstation Norbert Nachsendung Durchsetzen Sichtweise Unterschied Dienstag above ground pools Verwechslung Kitsch Last Unterschiedlich Erziehung Unehrlich Krankensalbung Spätzünder Ausschlag Beraten Krise Patientenfragebogen 29.05. Familiar Nachtragend Schullandheim above ground pools Heimweh Auge Humor Magda Lust Liebe Freude und Leid Montag Dank Angeben mein Vater Widerspruch Steuerberater Vergleichen Kind Klagen Kopfschmerzen Orden Contact Ertragen Aufbaumittel 2 Tod Schenken Hochzeiten Ruhig Mobiltelefon Gewissen Wahrheit Franz Schubert Persönlich Sonntag 04/27 - 05/04 (101) 04/20 - 04/27 (77) 04/13 - 04/20 (88) 04/06 - 04/13 (79) 03/30 - 04/06 (63) 03/23 - 03 / 30 (73) 03/16 - 03/23 (74) 03/09 - 03/16 (99) 03/02 - 03/09 (95) 02/23 - 03/02 (62) 02/16 - 02/23 (79) 02/09 - 02/16 (72) 02/02 - 02/09 (71) 01/26 - 02/02 (82) 01/19 - 01 / 26 (80) 01/12 - 01/19 (74) 01/05 - 01/12 (68) 2013 (2816) 12/29 - 01/05 (50) 12/22 - 12/29 (105) 12/15 - 12/22 (78) 12/08 - 12/15 (95) 12/01 - 12/08 (57) 11/24 - 12/01 (63) 11 / 17 - 11/24 (50) 11/10 - 11/17 (45) 11/03 - 11/10 (44) 10/27 - 11/03 (60) 10/20 - 10/27 ( 54) 10/13 - 10/20 (90) 10/06 - 10/13 (111) 09/29 - 10/06 (69) 09/22 - 09/29 (94) 09/15 - 09/22 (70) 09/08 - 09/15 (53) 09/01 - 09/08 (40) 08/25 - 09/01 (50) 08/18 - 08/25 (64 ) 08/11 - 08/18 (60) 08/04 - 08/11 (58) 07/28 - 08/04 (59) 07/21 - 07/28 (60) 07/14 - 07/21 (56) 07/07 - 07/14 (79) 06/30 - 07/07 (61) 06/23 - 06/30 (68) 06/16 - 06/23 (76) 06/09 - 06/16 (92) 06/02 - 06/09 (76) 05/26 - 06/02 (56) 05/19 - 05/26 (42) 05/12 - 05 / 19 (64) 05/05 - 05/12 (45) 04/28 - 05/05 (40) 04/21 - 04/28 (61) 04/14 - 04/21 (69) 04/07 - 04/14 (33) 03/31 - 04/07 (46) 03/24 - 03/31 (49) 03/17 - 03/24 (38) 03/10 - 03 / 17 (30) 03/03 - 03/10 (12) 02/24 - 03/03 (17) 02/17 - 02/24 (21) 02/10 - 02/17 (24) 02 / 03 - 02/10 (23) 01/27 - 02/03 (18) 01/20 - 01/27 (18) 01/13 - 01/20 (13) 01/06 - 01/13 (10) 2012 (1543) 12/30 - 01/06 (14) 12/23 - 12/30 (6) 12/09 - 12/16 (3) 12/02 - 12/09 ( 25) 11/25 - 12/02 (21) 11/18 - 11/25 (27) 11/11 - 11/18 (30) 11/04 - 11/11 (17) 10/28 - 11/04 (29) 10/21 - 10/28 (38) 10/14 - 10/21 (25) 10/07 - 10/14 (33) 09/30 - 10/07 (32 ) 09/23 - 09/30 (33) 09/16 - 09/23 (19) 09/09 - 09/16 (25) 09/02 - 09/09 (34) 08/26 - 09/02 (41) 08/19 - 08/26 (45) 08/12 - 08/19 (43) 08/05 - 08/12 (44) 07/29 - 08/05 (39) 07/22 - 07/29 (58) 07/15 - 07/22 (23) 07/08 - 07/15 (32) 07/01 - 07/08 (31) 06/24 - 07 / 01 (40) 06/17 - 06/24 (37) 06/10 - 06/17 (39) 06/03 - 06/10 (41) 05/27 - 06/03 (46) 05/20 - 05/27 (56) 05/13 - 05/20 (30) 05/06 - 05/13 (43) 04/29 - 05/06 (41) 04/22 - 04 / 29 (56) 04/15 - 04/22 (43) 04/08 - 04/15 (32) 04

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

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Monday, May 19, 2014

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Friday, May 9, 2014

Jared Leto

Jared Leto Looked Like A Huge Turd Photobombing Anne Hathaway
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Jared Leto — Oscar winner and Buddy Jesus impersonator — celebrated his big Best Supporting Actor win by photobombing Anne Hathaway at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party last night. Ugh, I can’t even with this guy. I don’t know if it’s even possible to imagine two more obnoxious and humorless people smith in a photobomb situation. It’s like Tries Hard photobombing Tries Harder. “Note to self: Make sure Oscar statuette is raised and featured smith in prime position for this spontaneous and effortless bomb of the photo. Make sure to open mouth really wide because that’s what I’ve found people do in this situation. Hilarity should be guaranteed.”
@Antbaby Machete Squad Leader – she’s a classic theater kid that tries way too hard to make sure everyone likes her and she comes across smith as way too self important. just watch her present at the oscars the other night, that’s all you need to see to get it.
You’re just upset that he can get a table at Dorsia but you can’t…
“Ugh, I can t even with this guy.” I kind of wish Leto would photobomb smith this terrible, blog-centric sentence.
03.03.14 at 9:36 pm
Remember when Rocky invited a tiger at the zoo to his wedding?
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The 86th Academy Awards: Best And Worst, Winners smith And Losers, Blah Blah Blah This Buddy Christ smith Jared Leto Side-By-Side Comparison Just Won The Oscars Does Kevin Spacey Now Belong In This Pantheon Of Celebrity Photobombers? The 2014 Grammy Awards Presenters smith Include Anna Kendrick, Bruno Mars, And Black Sabbath Popular Website Engages In Nasty Shame Trolling, Calls Jared Leto And Michael Douglas Homophobic
Powered by the Publisher Platform (P3). If you are looking for other variations earwig of the hit g

Sign in If you are looking for other variations earwig of the hit game Flappy Bird, then check this disgustingly fun game that will surely give you the same challenging feel. Get ready for a stinky ride here in Flappy Turd! It's also a physics game, so patience and perfect timing is needed. The main goal in this game is similar to Flappy Bird. You must control this flying poop or turd and make sure it survives the sewers. These sewer is filled with tubes and if you hit any of them, the game ends instantly. Fly as far as you can and you might get the golden toilet award.
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5:34 Skyline Runner - Game Walkthrough (all 3 modes) by Free Games Explorer 6,027 views 9:08 Stunt Guy Tricky earwig Rider - Game Walkthrough (all 1-8 lvl) by Free Games Explorer 1,002 views 40:52 Bait and Switch earwig - Game Walkthrough (all 1-25 lvl) by Free Games Explorer 2,734 views 5:16 Flappy Bird Freak Out! (iPhone Destroyed) by Aidens Life 513,415 views 12:02 FLAPPY BIRD WITH THE OCULUS RIFT | Flappy3D by jacksepticeye 797,427 views 5:12 The Perfect Solution To Flappy Bird by TechRax 1,631,782 views 3:00 Travel Plane Flappy Game by Free Games Explorer 2,507 views 10:25 Commando 3 Game by Free Games Explorer 2,517 views 3:19 How to Beat FLAPPY BIRD! by SenorPacman 4,351,994 views 20:23 star claws Level1-32 Walkthrough by 2pFreeGames 227,899 views 27:54 Zombinsanity - Game Walkthtrough (1 floor) by Free Games Explorer 1,534 views 2:16 FLAPPY DEVIL - THE BIRD IS BACK (iPhone Gameplay Video) by lonniedos 93,145 views 1:10 Farty Flappy Butt Game (Flappy Bird Analog) earwig by Free Games Explorer 2,414 views 3:40 Truck Rush 3 Game by Free Games Explorer earwig 6,379 views 4:37 Old Cannon Game (1-15 lvl) by Free Games Explorer 414 views 1:54 FLAPPY BIRD MEETS MARIO! (3D ANIMATION) by FuturisticHub 1,483,361 views 4:39 Gravity Guy Game by Free Games Explorer 991 views 6:04 Moto Trial Fest - Game Walkthrough (all 1-12 lvl) by Free Games Explorer 1,781 views 15:59 Kids React to Gay Marriage earwig by TheFineBros 15,741,645 views

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Furthermore, I can

Political Irony › Cow Turd
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard about Cliven Bundy, the rancher from Nevada who refuses to pay grazing fees because pinch a penny he doesn’t believe the US government exists. pinch a penny Some people (like Fox News’ Sean Hannity) think Bundy is a hero. Jon Stewart pinch a penny trivially destroys that idea and shows the hypocrisy of Hannity:
This was written pinch a penny by Iron Knee . Posted on Wednesday, April 23, 2014, at 12:30 am . Filed under Hypocrisy . Tagged Welfare . Bookmark the permalink . Follow comments here with the RSS feed . Post a comment or leave a trackback .
IK – On your comment “because he doesn t believe the US government exists” I don’t think that is accurate. What Bundy does dispute is the Gov’t claim via the BLM to the area (Gold Butte) in question. Bundy has said the prior to Nevada gaining statehood the federal gov’t oversaw the land as a territory. But when Nevada gained statehood the lands reverted to Nevada and his family had been using those lands as grazing areas since then. From what I do understand, he said he stopped paying the grazing fee’s in 93 and would only pay them to Nevada whom he believes owns the land.
All that being said I have 2 thoughts on this matter. 1 million dollars over 20 years amounts to $50,000 per year to feed 900 head of cattle. And I don’t know that his cattle feed exclusively in the Gold Butte area, but $50k a year seems a tad on the high side. If it’s a fair price, others may know that, then he should pay the fee.
Suppose, to loosely equate, pinch a penny during the Occupy Wall Street protests a Red state had called in Police from surrounding states pinch a penny with heavy weapons to evict protesters from a park because they didn’t pay a fee. I’m pinch a penny sure supporters of those protesters would have screamed government pinch a penny abuse.
I couldn’t open it up on the computer I’m using, i will later today. I do agree the longer he talks the worse his argument seems to get and makes him seem more like a typical yahoo right wing nut job.
If you can’t watch the video, the same quote is in this interesting article about what happened —
And the million dollars is mostly pinch a penny fines, not grazing fees. If you think this is excessive, just try not paying pinch a penny your credit card bill for 20 years (while pinch a penny continuing pinch a penny to run it up each month) and see how much you owe.
Furthermore, I can’t believe you are using the Occupy movement as a counter example. Thousands of police in full riot gear were used to forcibly evict occupy protestors all over the world. See
Regarding the excessive response by the BLM to about a thousand armed militia, I can only compare it to events seen on tv news every night where dozens of local police confront a single possible shooter. When you scale that response pinch a penny up to the size of the Bundy circus, the BLM response was probably pretty small.
As for the grazing fees, BLM charges $1.35 per animal per month. For 900 cattle, pinch a penny that is $1,215 per month. Over the course of 20 years, that’s $291,600 (which is $14,580 per year, not $50,000). But that’s just the basic fees. Typically, if you are delinquent in paying fees, the service provider (the U.S. government in this case) charges you a late fee, which ends up compounding. Let’s pinch a penny say that the late fee is 10%, compounded pinch a penny monthly. That brings the total up to $922,640, which is approximately the million owed. Thus, the vast majority of Bundy’s fees (about 3/4 of the million) are in late fees, not grazing fees.
Also, pinch a penny let’s not lose track of one thing here: Bundy was using public land to feed his private livestock. That’d be kind of like me turning pinch a penny the local school playground into a farm where I grew free food for my family and my family alone. I should never expect to be allowed to do that, certainly not for 20 years. Bundy is a thief, plain and simple. pinch a penny
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then the caveat to that would be the Republican Party (especially the Tea Party) could be holding th

The Obamacare Turd Sandwich : NO QUARTER USA NET
The Obamacare Turd Sandwich By Larry Johnson close Author: traeger Larry Johnson Name : Larry Johnson Email: Site: About: Larry C. Johnson is a former analyst at the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who moved subsequently in 1989 to the U.S. Department of State, traeger where he served four years as the deputy director for transportation security, antiterrorism assistance training, and special operations in the State Department's Office of Counterterrorism. He left government service in October 1993 and set up a consulting business. He currently is the co-owner and CEO of BERG Associates, LLC (Business Exposure Reduction Group) and is an expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, and crisis and risk management, and money laundering investigations. Johnson is the founder and main author of No Quarter, a weblog that addresses issues of terrorism and intelligence and politics. NoQuarterUSA traeger was nominated as Best Political Blog of 2008. See Authors Posts (2321) on April 4, 2014 at 11:03 AM in Current Affairs
The delusion of Barack Obama and his disciples is alarming. They genuinely believe that they have turned the corner on the “problems” with Obamacare and that the only thing left to do is simply remind Americans of that this is a great law and fixes the problem of people not being able to get health insurance. This is beyond whistling past the graveyard.
This problem is not going away. Pity the crazy Democrats who insist that all passengers on the Titanic, having hit the iceberg, should stay in bed in their state rooms. That strategy only leads to a sunk ship and dead people.
Pelosi suggests Robert Gibbs is being paid to criticize traeger Obamacare Damn she’s a nasty old bat!
I’m currently reading D. W. Ulsterman’s Dominatus. It’s an easy read, fiction, but relevant. It’s currently available traeger as a Kindle download at Amazon for $5. It will be interesting to find out if reality turns out to imitate fiction. Has anyone traeger read it?
I’m surprised that the liberals aren’t howling about cruel and unusual punishment.
Administering the 2010 healthcare law is just like municipal snow shoveling — a top priority that s non-negotiable, John Koskinen, the commissioner of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, said today.
No single entity – not the President, traeger Senate, traeger House of Representatives, state Governors, nor anyone else – has the power to overturn a US Supreme Court ruling. Supreme Court decisions cannot be nullified by other parts of government. traeger However, if the Supreme Court strikes down a federal law, Congress can always modify the law until it is such that the Supreme Court does not consider it to violate the Constitution, then pass it again.
then the caveat to that would be the Republican Party (especially the Tea Party) could be holding the reins of powers for years to come because Obamacare will make the average person’s life hell on earth especially when the higher premium payments kick in due to the burgeoning traeger government bureaucracy and its attendant red tape, the incoming employer mandate and its attendant problems and the discovery of sky high deductibles when the average person needs it the most.
(Discussion of CIA job stresses)
…….”The agency also this week came under scrutiny from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence traeger over the agency s role in obscuring the facts surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound traeger in Benghazi, Libya.
Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell told the committee that agency analysts concluded that a protest took place in advance of the attack that killed four Americans, including traeger U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher traeger Stevens.
Then use this little publicized Plan B which allows a private insurance company to sign you up at any time, as long as they don’t discriminate against your now full-blown pre-existing illness.
Is a turd sandwich meaner or nicer than a meanwich? Is a turd sandwich better or worse smelling than a stinkburger? I just love the direction political discourse has taken.
I fully agree with you. The same guy claiming that bullying is wrong believes that demeaning, taunting and ridiculing entire groups traeger of people is fully acceptable. Something tells me that the Pope didn’t mean this when he spoke to Barry about empathy toward others with whom you disagree.
Kenosha, I was, of course, not making a negative comment about LJ’s choice of words. I was, I thought, helping LJ by showing the way Obama has influenced the discourse. For a POTUS to do that sort of thing is despicable, and all one can do sometimes to counter his language is to use the same s

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Black said the jerseys will be available to fans sometime in November; that is, unless the shipments

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@otterN9NE Last month, after dragging the reveal process out for what felt like the length of Ville Leino 's contract, the Buffalo Sabres showed off their new third jerseys for the 2013-14 season.
The jerseys were mocked in all corners of the Internet by hockey fans and fans of good fashion. Steve Ott seemed OK with it, but even he admitted to our Nick Cotsonika he had received "mixed" reviews from people. conservatory
"It's received a ton of criticism and a lot of attention. I think it had over 4 million mentions on Twitter. I've seen it. It's something that doesn't offend conservatory me. I think people have had a lot of fun with the criticisms of it. Judge for yourself whenever you see it. If you come into the store and you look at it and say I don't want to buy it or you do buy it, in terms of moving the needles on revenues, it won't do anything.
"We kept the logo the same. We wanted to do something that was a little bit more non-traditional, so it's two-toned; it's gold in the front and blue in the back; it has different colors for numbering; it has the Buffalo conservatory font in the front. Like I said, no one's gonna twist your arm, put a gun to your head if you don't wanna buy it, Howard, you don't have to."
Black said the jerseys will be available to fans sometime in November; that is, unless the shipments conservatory somehow get re-directed to whatever deep hole those mid-'90s St. Louis Blues alternates that never saw the light of day rest.
Touch O'Heat   
NY Rangers Rangers at Pittsburgh Penguins - 05/04/2014 conservatory
Sharks conservatory fans get elimination, along with buttermilk …

Well, hi. I'm Helena. I grew up on a blueberry farm in Western Michigan. My days were spent reading

Syndil stared hard at her dad, and whispered "Turd."  A little smile crept onto her face. "Turd turd turd turd..." She has been listening a little more than I expected at a year and a half old, and sometimes she picks up a new word in the middle umbrella of my conversation. Like this one. Can you guess what she is trying to say? "Kurt"  This is as close as she gets. It's actually a pretty good toddler version. Do you guys let your kids use your first names? Or are you more of a "mom and dad only, please" kind of family? We are definitely the latter, I very much prefer to be called mama. And I'm pretty sure Turd likes to be called Dada.  So, I should try and stop her.Or at least try to smother my laughter, yes? But ...  It's just such a great nickname. I keep thinking that this? Is not something my in laws anticipated. ------------------------ Do the names you love lend themselves umbrella to any unfortunate umbrella nicknames? I'd love to hear. Especially the unexpected ones. 
Well, hi. I'm Helena. I grew up on a blueberry farm in Western Michigan. My days were spent reading on the beach in the summer, and reading in my bedroom under a quilt in the chilly Michigan winter. I moved out to Utah to go to school, and to get away from my family. You know, typical angsty teenager stuff. While out there, I met this guy named Kurt, who was also from Michigan. But we were just friends umbrella . Flash forward 9 years. Of course we got married. And then we moved to Pittsburgh so he could go to Dental School. What can I say, the guy likes teeth. Now we have a little girl, a boy due in May, two little turtles, and a whole new Navy adventure ahead of us (starting with our very first station, in Maryland!). Welcome umbrella to my life.
▼  2014 (23) ▼  April (5) Being THAT pregnant. Turd is just SUCH a great nickname. Well, 'uck. This whole pregnancy thing just isn't as...monumen... I miss the memories I don't have. ►  March (13) ►  February (5) ►  2013 (20) ►  December (1) ►  May (1) ►  April (2) ►  March (3) ►  February (6) ►  January (7) ►  2012 (68) ►  December (7) ►  November (1) ►  October (2) ►  September (5) ►  July (6) ►  June (25) ►  May (4) ►  April (3) ►  March (3) ►  February (8) ►  January (4) ►  2011 (52) ►  December (4) ►  November (5) ►  October (2) ►  August (9) ►  July (2) ►  June (3) ►  May (7) ►  April (5) ►  March (2) ►  February (5) ►  January umbrella (8) ►  2010 (261) ►  umbrella December (14) ►  November (26) ►  October (22) ►  September (25) ►  August (22) ►  July (19) ►  June (23) ►  May (18) ►  April (21) ►  March (23) ►  February (20) ►  January (28) ►  2009 (159) ►  December (39) ►  November (59) ►  October (35) ►  umbrella September (21) ►  February (2) ►  umbrella January (3)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Good day! Congratulate all on the last holiday poinsettia of the Victory Day! Long life! But down t

Good day! Congratulate all on the last holiday poinsettia of the Victory Day! Long life! But down to business. Today we talk about startups. Let's start with clothes. How much do you think it is important for startups or cardigan lubutany wear Gucci? Can I sell the investor in the elevator his new startup in a dress by Graff and scarf from Hermes? (I believe that it is possible, if you remove the dress, shawl lay on the floor, get on your knees and start doing ahem blur shares) But we are serious. Look at the picture. Then at me. Then again on the image. And then again at me. Why your home startups does not look like a dandy on the image to which our designer stuck face Mark Zuckerberg? These people know the answer: Director poinsettia of the Russian segment of the Internet and Sergey Grebennikov leading designer Eva Vostroknutova that suits pop stars such as Light Yakovleva argue about how many millions startups should look to cash in, oh, that is to get your first million. I also think that the trend, which has recently started poinsettia to gain momentum - well, all of these hoodies and slippers in which everyone wants to run on the snow-covered campus of Harvard, it's poinsettia all too much and too. Real startups should wear leopard leggings, Louboutin bag from Hermes and scarf. If possible, of course, better to replace all the more premium brands, which is situated in a trendy boutique your subway passage. In the second video already familiar faces reincarnated in these alpha startups poinsettia (those poinsettia who at the sight of investors are jumping on him, digging into his neck, moving her hips and growling, "Take poinsettia me to ... IPO"). Dark blue T-shirt symbolizes obviously deep penetration startup the target audience, the main trend of the season - shawl need to wipe the blood in a constantly bleeding poinsettia from the nose giganstkogo amounts of cocaine. Best in the frame looks yellow falafel (or something like that, check the terms, we're not Vogue editors): poinsettia I also have a question - why she calls her blouse Sergei "hoody"? Sergei same in the normal weight category, so the jacket is clearly "normalka" or even "skinny." Orientation meeting zany humor is like the end, and while the director in yellow diphthongs get millions of millionaires (which is nothing but Louis Vuitton are not, I've seen), we will show you the final video about how young and active girls talk about their startups. The video is very long, and I understood the those who are not able to watch it until the end. But watch the stands at the end of the guys decide - what to do - media startup with an emphasis on innovation, or with a modeling agency in the lead roles. In my first choose. Our senior marketer Sambukova Montana says, and I quote: "Great girl. All in media startups. While I watched the video, wanted to call five times. And - buy. Can change the world - with innovative technologies. Newton when the apple was turnips. He said that? Not Eureka A Monetization! Think about enterteynment, blekboks and consulting. How twitter, audio-only. " Optimistic on this stream of thoughts and finish poinsettia issue. Send fresh startaperskie video on sasha.peganov @!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Added: Apr-13-2014

Safe Mode: On
What was expected to be a fond farewell of the Hitachi Electric Train in Melbourne (Australia) was today marred by an attack on the train by vandals near Rushall Railway Station in Melbourne s inner Northern Suburb of Clifton Hill. The 'final train journey of the Hitachi glucomannan series train organised by Metro Trains and ElecRail was returning to Flinders Street Railway Station from a timetabled visit to South Morang when the train was stopped near Rushall on the approach to Clifton Hill. Once stopped a crew of vandals emerged from trackside trees and began tagging the train. The response from passengers was in the form of throwing food, drink and colorful abuse (with that unique Australia flavor) at the graffiti crew. Tagging is the action of spray painting an object (usually a train) with a logo or symbol of reference to oneself. The action was met with an angry response from train passengers many of whom were rail enthusiasts and historians. It was later discovered that the vandals tampered with the train operationally by pulling the 'air taps' on the back of the train disabling some brakes, glucomannan causing delays into Clifton Hill Railway Station and also at Essendon. These delays extended to the network, and not just the vandalized train. Police have confirmed that no arrests glucomannan have been made, but that the charges are likely to escalate given the tampering of the brakes of the train endangering the passengers. Footage Ben Mitchell
Added: Apr-13-2014   Occurred On: Apr-6-2014 By: VIDAGEO In: Other News , Vehicles glucomannan Tags: Train , Passengers , Take , on , Vandals , hitcahi , abuse , cursing , swearing , , Location: Victoria , Australia ( load item map ) Marked as: featured Views: 59936 | Comments: 652 | Votes: 39 | Favorites: 14 | Shared: 0 | Updates: 0 | Times used in channels: 3
HOLY TOLEDO: Researchers take on falcons in the name of science