Saturday, January 18, 2014

The second accused operated from 2007 to the public toilets in Szeged-Dorozsma wholesale market, so

Finally yellow jacket four years, ten months and two years and six months in prison on Tuesday by a penalty to the Court of Appeal of Szeged, two men who damaged the Dorozsmai Wholesale Market Operator ary more than 80 million forints a computer using spyware
The two accused in the felony court board computer system and data against committing found guilty. The prime accused in addition to imprisonment of three million forints yellow jacket pénzmellékbüntetésre also considered.
The second accused operated from 2007 to the public toilets in Szeged-Dorozsma wholesale market, so had access to the company's office. A man with a friend, the prime accused of the case, said the company transferring remittances Internet Explorer.
The first accused, downloaded from the Internet to a remote access spyware, which is the second accused in the föltelepített ltd. Director of marketing computer. The first accused 2010th On April 16, a Friday took control of the CFO's computer then nine installments of HUF 82.5 million total funds transferred yellow jacket into an account opened yellow jacket by a friend.
The account of the weekend home and abroad bankautomatákból the full amount, the accused picked up a friend, who therefore received the tenth of the spoils. The spyware installer accused 20 million given society.
Saturday, 2014 January 18
50 thousand forints for everybody
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