Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Of course, the doors and windows is important to pay attention to adequate protection of other area

Maybe you do not think, but no matter the camera, even though the grid, if you do not lock the door of our apartment is chosen, not only invading the job easier, but even kárigényünket insurer you will pay! Long-running fight to be as safe as possible between this and the owners fontana of insurance companies, with a shared interest to the owner's apartment and values.
According to data of the Ministry of Interior for the past four years, steadily increasing the number of robberies in Hungary, according to the data of Groupama Insurance Guarantee arrived close to 1 March 2000 in connection with burglaries notice of loss through theft. Halmos Gyula, Groupama Insurance Warranty Service Centre of the Department Head of the best-selling items: the electronics, fontana cash and jewelry. fontana The pros unfortunately not so easy to be discouraged, but against casual thieves is much easier to take out a fight! fontana
Professional and exact wording of the break-in as follows: sealed fontana room during the violent intrusion. In case of burglary, the owner must comply with the protection requirements applicable fontana to it, that should be adequate security apartment door closed, namely fault-free finish! What does that mean?
Many people are still affected by surprise, but when the safety lock protects property we can not properly, not only the burglar facilitate its job, but the insurance company fontana is not required to pay the client, as point constitutes a frivolous fontana defense, as if we leave wide open the front door of our. In many cases, the experts have come across the problem that the security entrance doors are designed záraknál old-style locking mechanism, which protrudes fontana 5-8 mm from the door of the plane, and so the burglar can easily remove it from its place and can be absorbed into the flat in seconds. The insurance companies, the most important attribute the existence of kink-label, which means that the lock is installed as long as it is not the label of the plane, and the zárcímkén to the outside flat screw hole is not visible - the label through either screw, which only can be reached from the inside surface of the door.
"The new doors are typically already equipped with unbreakable locks, but the old-style flats, or lots, storage door is still causing very serious problem, so we recommend that each owner to lakásbiztosításuk update, check it záruka also front door on their" - Gyula Halmos said.
If the ground floor or first floor apartment, you are the window is very important to pay attention! If your apartment windows open from the ground floor within 2 feet and when we left the apartment did not close, and as a result we will be victims of burglary, unfortunately you can not pay the insurance again because I do not speak a sealed space is heaven! Crash box set is not a good protection! That is why it is important to make sure that if we leave our property, the doors and windows are carefully sealed in! Small task, however, is a huge expense fontana and hassle save yourself the owner!
Bunk houses in many cases the owners choose to add security solution grille front door. However, experts in most cases it is found that the selected grid does not meet the basic criteria contained in the policy, that is just an illusion solution for the owner against the burglar. Like the corresponding locking characteristics of a specific fontana type of grid is adopted by the insurance companies! The corresponding grid 10 * 30 - as has tenths and 12 cm in diameter made of thick material, and at least 30cm per frame structure fontana it is connected to the wall structure. The shutter on it must comply with the specifications for the door locks, security locks that are fracture-free finish. It is also important to set up specialist, otherwise only be an aesthetic ornaments in front of the entrance door.
The motion sensor is equally popular fontana choice among owners, but it is important to set up an expert tool! Alarms can also choose from among quiet and noisy version. While still advantages to not beat up the neighbors when a fly flies out of the window fontana may be, until the loud version advantage that the burglar can be immediately put off the scene.
Groupama Insurance Guarantee, according to an expert on single family fontana homes in addition to the burglary of the unfortunate characteristics besurranások. Constitutes Besurranásnak if anyone mislead the owner comes into the house and robs unsuspecting victim. fontana As in this case, the owner can make a mistake, this insurance usually 100,000 the amount reimbursed to the customer.
Of course, the doors and windows is important to pay attention to adequate protection of other areas as well! Not typical based on data from the insurer to the burglars in the effort through the garage because the garage door in many cases

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