Friday, January 24, 2014

Prison remains the self-styled politician Mojsejová remain behind bars for tax Cobra: 94.2 million

Mojsejová behind grill | New Word Online
The information from the police neither confirm nor deny not want to. "The National Crime Agency today in eastern Slovakia in the custody of a person because of the ongoing investigative actions can not disclose further information." - Said Andrea Dobiášová, the National Police Headquarters spokesman. Against the contractor Kassa woman suspected of being prosecuted for tax evasion. The suspected to be through a chain of about two dozen companies in 2007-2010, organized criminal group as tax fraud - Hospodárske noviny writes the online edition. The members of the group suspected of false invoices and other documents have been issued, and on the basis of false tax returns were submitted and the VAT is reclaimed. Nora Mojsejová against the Košice I. District Court proceedings have been going on a suspicion of tax fraud, but there was not even a judgment.
Prison remains the self-styled politician Mojsejová remain behind bars for tax Cobra: 94.2 million this year, down frauds uncovered two members of the IRS tax cheat also helped lay the rails from Košice man
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