Tuesday, January 14, 2014

6 whatever - 2014th January 04th 23:03 Saturday did not have even the Nagy robber who was not close

2013th December 31, 4 hours 26 minutes at Pécs, the National tobacconist in Nagy went the way of a man, and guns, in imitation of the seller or the transfer of income forced then fled the scene.
Based on the data obtained, as well as the testimonies of the police officers identified the commission of the offense has reasonable grounds to suspect 26-year-old Roland S. Pécs residents. The man was arrested in 17 hours and 30 minutes, the investigators, and after the production was interrogated as a suspect.
6 whatever - 2014th January 04th 23:03 Saturday did not have even the Nagy robber who was not closed because he did not! innocent! who knows, you know ... and then a big heavy on the ground who thinks he was. I hope this will be a good big compensation!! 5 Security - 2014th January 02 Thursday 09:40 tobacconists must be equipped with bullet-proof visor, or grid. The cash and tobacco products remain current. If I were tobacconist, tomorrow I begin to equip your employees, your money and protect my product. The burglary and other species of animals should not be handled with gloves. Minimum penalty of 10 years in prison. There is no other solution. 4 re 1 - 2014th agave January 02 Thursday 00:41 na wondering who were the owner of the idea that you may want to break in? Just find one third Congratulations - 2014th January 01 Wednesday 19:07 for a successful investigation. agave I wish you a Happy New Year to the police seal.
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