Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Snatch PiS was cod with Pitera cwaniarą. During the rule of the Kaczynski we had in Poland, my coun

photo: Zbyszek Kaczmarek / Newspaper Poland Today Jarosław Kaczyński met with residents Pszczyny. In his speech, emphasized the role of fairness in the exercise of power. President of the Law and Justice mites said that only government can provide unconfounded governments that are able to change Poland. As one of the main problems of Polish Kaczynski mentioned demographic issues. mites - 20 years ago there were more Poles than it is now. Do not develop as a nation, but a wrap. The basic condition for the development of a sustained Polish in terms of demography. The second mites issue is breaking out of the trap of average development. We do need this break. But it was possible to Polish enterprises need to develop. And now it does not pay to grow the company - said the president of the Law and Justice. Then Jaroslaw Kaczynski suffered by the state. - Where is the key to faster growth and change in Poland? This key is in the hands of the state. Countries that should be incomparably more powerful, bolder and much more honestly than ever to operate. You have to break the barrier of liberal ideology that says that there is nothing we can do ao market determines all banks. This is not true. We have huge room for maneuver only need unconfounded power. Law and Justice is able to create such authority - said Kaczynski. - It must be a government honest. It should have sewn pockets. Governments PiS it will be governments honest. Such authority must also have a plan for what to do after taking power. Is Law and Justice has a plan? Already in February will be ready master plan - said Kaczynski.
The March of Freedom, Solidarity and Independence mites involving clubs "GP"
Forum is a place to share your feedback, mites thoughts, mites information, comments, networking and the emergence of initiatives. Therefore, all entries will be eliminated multiple containing vulgar words and phrases, punishable threats, throwing the insults, insulting forumowiczów, members of the editorial board and others. Absolutely we fought trolls, bringing mites quarrels and provoking. If someone's opinion has not been released, it means that it has been classified into one of these categories. Comments and complaints mites addressed to us should be sent to the address: guard (at) niezalezna.pl the same time, we emphasize that we understand that our environment wants to have a place in releasing many years, humiliation and constant bashing on us by the camp of "love", but does not authorize it to the use of vulgar language. Is permissible without even the harshest critic, but without personal trips. Messages appearing on the blog Morus are a development of this Regulation.
Mr. Jaroslaw, Do you realize that you have to have what rule? Do you have the time, these people, those with whom the Lord began to speak-fair, with stitched pockets, I might add existentially safe and knowledgeable in the economy, and determined to radical action in a short time? Do you know that you can not look casual when it turns out that you actually got the power? Do you know what to do in the economy? Do you know how to do? Do you realize in the end that without the ability to reach out to young people (those cones too) there is no way of coming mites to power?
Snatch PiS was cod with Pitera cwaniarą. During the rule of the Kaczynski we had in Poland, my country. Thieves terribly afraid. UNDeR Tusk and Komorowski governments is just murdering, stealing where they can,. And so it is in every city in which the PO. The young already see that PO robbed them of everything, mites and they have lost their dignity and received the honor of Poland. As young people want to be a footstool Russia let it continue voting along with the russians servers to their descendants, or German. I guess these idiots have not already! Reply
Mr. Jaroslaw, Do you realize that you have to have what rule? Do you have the time, these people, those with whom the Lord began to speak-fair, with stitched pockets, I might add existentially safe and knowledgeable in the economy, and determined to radical action in a short time? Do you know that you can not look casual when it turns out that you actually got the power? Do you know what to do in the economy? Do you know how to do? Do you realize in the end that without the ability to reach out to young people (those cones too) there is no way of coming to power?
I have read just a cultural contribution Mr Anaconda and I have to restrain. Sorry for my question, especially Making a real assumption that you belong to szechteriady. Basically, I do not know the Lord. I can let it be. Reply
Plan ..... and the Bilderberg Group to create a one-world government (the antichrist), the moral collapse of humanity, enslavement total (biochipami) acceptance and acquisition of satanists mites immoral laws and not men, only sodomistycznych! the only salvation for the Polish and the World's Enthronement of Jesus Ch

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