Tuesday, December 17, 2013


If you do not belong to the morning birds, can not imagine the morning without coffee urge you to read today's entry. 56% of women relies on coffee as the only way to stimulate the morning. With this approach, it is no wonder that we are only becoming more and more exhausted. No need to constantly pump in each other caffeine to have more energy to work in the morning. Cancel pocket hose the morning coffee to the natural stimulants. Here are the 11 patents that give you energy throughout the day. 1 Jump out of bed, not sleeping! Alarm clock rings and you only what you think is to press the button that says "nap" - unfortunately, those few extra minutes of sleep makes you feel intoxicated later and harder you get up. When you wake up, not sleeping. pocket hose Falling asleep again after waking up your brain learns pocket hose that the moment does not mean getting up. It is very well known to me the problem and I can guarantee you that getting together with an alarm clock without a snooze you will do well :) So, when your alarm clock rings tomorrow Jump out of bed! 2 Move! Exercise in the morning relax, but at the same time give the energy kick for the day! If you lack motivation, time, or persistence, immediately after waking stretched for a few minutes - it works! 3 Lighten up! "Light is a natural way to tell your body it's time to wake up" - says Dr. Michael Terman. Personally, I love to sleep with covered until the end of blinds (especially that are dark blue), but wake up in a dark room does not serve me well. It is much better to wake up in a bright room. Solar energy makes the level of melatonin in the body decreases, thereby preventing lowering of the body temperature. Low body temperature is a signal to the body that we are sleepy, so maintaining proper temperature allows us to be more awakened and concentrated. 4 When you wake up, sit! When you open your eyes immediately sit down, you can even get up, only not to lie on the bed. She consecutive know that if you do not get up it just shut my eyes. 5 Drink water! "Insufficient water can result in a feeling of overwhelming sleepiness" - says Joy Bauer. In the morning will be the best hot water with lemon. During the day, drink water in small sips, do not let the feeling of thirst. Drinking water will quickly notice, better mood - fatigue, tiredness and lethargy will not you give so much misery. 6 Eat a breakfast rich in protein! "Full of protein morning meal will help your brain cells function properly" - says expert Joy Bauer. Not only gives you energy, but also will be good for your body. Protein increases satiety. The more protein we eat for breakfast, the less chance that during the day we overeat. 7 Before bed ventilate the bedrooms! Fresh air, especially a cold that makes you fall asleep faster, sleep better and wake up in the islands. 8 Think about the things that excite you! If you think about the things that excite you (eg shopping), and what good has to happen during pocket hose the day (yes, shopping: D) it will motivate you to a rapid rise from the bed and added energy kick for the existence of perhaps do not even know! 9 Follow tricks! If you wake up immediately feel that this is not your best day use simple tricks. Create your clothes in bright colors! The trick is based on the results of studies examining the way in which people perceive colors. It turned out that the person bearing the bright colors are perceived as fun and full of positive energy - by the environment and themselves. 10 Good attitude! The same belief about whether a given night wyspałaś or not, affects your energy levels throughout the day. So even if you had a worse night - think positive :) 11 Still sleeping? Complete energy shortages! If you do not wsypałaś and feel a decrease in energy, try a few proven ways to restore it. A few cubes of dark chocolate, which contains no caffeine, but it raises the level of endorphins. Good will also be fruit cocktail, cereal bar or a handful of nuts.
Now, not much you can wake up in the bright bedroom because at 5.30 as I open my eyes is black and the window: P and getting up without naps - no way: D Delete
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