Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cockles tilting Kgampohlud money flowing paving Ruby Begonia cockroach smokers wings Paper aromathe

One. Perennials smokers are for planting trees higher than 3 meters to provide shade on the scene of a home or yard and small garden trees for planting at least initially. To plant a few trees, depending on the area. In the garden Are grown mainly in the following.
This group of plants is approximately 1.2-3 meters If a large plant has a higher level is used to stop eye. Or view as part of the garden. But in this small garden We will use a wooden chair to be featured. Or the eye retrieval Positioning smokers as shown
With a height of 0.3 to 1.20 meters shrub planting a tribute. The height smokers of the shrub more than one level to rise, and the dimension of the high - low growing popularity is converted to a beautiful mess. Easy to maintain and to clear the lines and shapes by converting the layers to achieve dimension front - after the design is converted from a range of shrubs, then start the next conversion. Should not be divided into the same size too. By converting the rear Size should be wider and higher than the front and convert the front end conversion. Have the lowest And used as ground cover Divided by 3 levels, but for a small garden can be divided into just two levels, depending on grip position. And the size of the area
For smaller gardens that can not be transplanted into conversion. I want to see a high profile nature. Positioning to position the plants in 1 or 2 or more, depending smokers on the conditions. And design needs As below
The plants along the outer edge of the plot. A height less than 30 cm planting shrubs to a height of the grass or the ground in front. And help focus the field edge to clear. Building height of shrubs and grasses. Or the ground in front And the focus of the plot for clarity. Establish To convert them to tidy up the garden area. For some types of shrubs Stem leaves are Did not make the tree look beautiful introduction to wood mulch will help resolve this section. In the case of shrubs The conversion smokers is very high Wood mulch, smokers it should have a high level to suit shrub shrub species, which may cut short. Party was not without mulching And vice versa Wood mulch, some as high as pasturing smokers shrub as well.
Cockles tilting Kgampohlud money flowing paving Ruby Begonia cockroach smokers wings Paper aromatherapy plush carpet moths I spotted betel (betel gold), silver fern frond Ekledhai glide Boston fern leaves, tamarind, golden bells Millionaire outhouse. Rich golden shaft Dwarf Catfish Mustache Heavy glass buttons gold Wiggle Velvet Mrs. wake up call. Green Sugmkrateai smokers Alkaline Sugmkrateai Dahlberg Daisy Tribute smokers to Charlie Bua Thong hawaiian Pakakrong ground ivy, duck, vegetables, red spinach, red petunias spread Shanghai artificial blue dwarf snapdragon.
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