Tuesday, October 1, 2013

DID YOU KNOW ... The scientific fall leaves name of this plant is dedicated to the wife of King Geo

Spanish: Bird of paradise. Estrilicia. Flower crane. Portuguese do paradise Ave. French: L'Oiseau du Paradis. English: Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower. German: Paradiesvogelblume. Dutch: Paradijsvogelbloem.
DESCRIPTION: A tall grass monocotyledon origin of South African grown in gardens in tropical and subtropical regions and the spectacular fall leaves beauty of its flowers. Form a high kills, more than five feet, with leaves long petiole (up meter) oval and limb 30-50 cm midrib patent. The flowers consist of three tepals free and equal bright orange, and three tepals unequal purple-blue, two of them together, arrow-shaped, surrounding the style. The whole is protected by large floral bracts that are placed fall leaves perpendicular to the stem that supports, giving the appearance of a bird's head. The fruit is a capsule which opens by three valves.
Note: Fits well in all types of soil on the condition that it is rich in nutrients. fall leaves He likes the sun without which flourishes. March henceforth require frequent irrigation and fertilizer made several in Florida but is sensitive to cold and frost does not support.
TIPS: It is important fall leaves that the soil is well drained to prevent podrisquen roots, Be aware and let the soil dry before watering again. It is propagated by division, separating godchildren with the rhizome, or then putting them to soak in warm water a couple of days. Late three to five years to flower.
DID YOU KNOW ... The scientific fall leaves name of this plant is dedicated to the wife of King George III of England, Queen Charlotte, amateur botanist. The species name, reginae comes from Latin and means "the Queen" and the genre, Strelitzia, the birthplace of Queen Charlotte, Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
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