Monday, September 30, 2013

Events In April, WFP thousand stars Planetarium Cosmocaixa Blogroll Classic Beats GLORIA Project At

Home About What we have done Index Origin of the Universe Asteroids Astros double glazing constellations Pleiades Nebulae sky phenomena Lexicon Survival Events calendar Sources classic text How to Choose the Greeks and Romans saw the sky? Practical Designs Aracniografia tree and Personal evaluation Conclusions References
It is a small constellation in the southern hemisphere, bordered on the south by Octant, north of Compass, Triangle and Southern Altar, and west to Fly. It is a circumpolar double glazing star. Its brightest star is Alpha Apodis. It is visible from July to December. Its name comes from the Latin apus, Apodis "falcillot, martinet" (Greek Πτηνόν).
Apus refers to the bird of paradise that was initially known as a bird of India. Others suggest that ἂ πους comes from the Greek meaning "without feet", referring to the Greek myth about birds that seemed to have no legs during the flight.
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Greek astronomers on Dipity. Recent Raise Text Comments | Heaven myths in regard to the horse as Eratosthenes | Heaven myths of Eratosthenes Eratosthenes of Cyrene as planets | The sky myths Eratosthenes of Cyrene in the constellation of the Eagle as Eratosthenes | The sky myths Eratosthenes of Cyrene in the constellation of the twins as Eratosthenes | Heaven myths in Eratosthenes double glazing of Cyrene
The Thread of Classical Greek and Latin in the European Day of Languages in IPM Modern sculpture and classical mythology. The dynasty Campeny Arachne and Row Hypothetical Indo-European phonetic? Everyday a word, or the mark of Orpheus Mέδουσα, Nike τραπέζιο The film Never Let Me Go Mark Romanek The Silence of the Lambs them by Jonathan Demme
Events In April, WFP thousand stars Planetarium Cosmocaixa Blogroll Classic Beats GLORIA Project Attractions Astronomical Astronomical Association Sabadell AstroPardines Cosmocaixa Discovering double glazing the Cosmos Observatory Fabra (Barcelona) Astronomical Observatory of Mallorca Montsec Astronomical Park News Espectáculo The celestial las Gemínidas first martyr of science. GLORIA Project Nuevos numbers for helados two worlds: las Lunas Pluto and Cerberus Vulcan. Meta Log in RSS Comments RSS articles (in English)
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