Friday, September 27, 2013

Worst of Tulum for tourists: the mafia taxis, the

For that, I can not sleep. Evil "first world": "Oh God, I have jet lag." A continent away and three weeks without socks I get too close. I pursue rancheras and mariachi, chili, magic maya, avocado. Bad time to return to Proust. Good time, however, to drop everything - or almost everything-from what little I know about # Tulum. Because Lonely Planet did not work quite right ... and because sharing is the spice of life.
# 10: Things you like to care: Mrs Georgina, Naturall pampers you more than your mom.
Worst of Tulum for tourists: the mafia taxis, the "aristocracy" of the place. In two words: give rabies. The rest is something like the images above, clichés included: arbor the beaches arbor of white sand and turquoise sea, and you know ...
Lloc web
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