Saturday, February 15, 2014

Plants, garden and wild rising, direct action Abrus precatorius Actaea spicata - Czerniec sheds mus

In many Polish (and not only) houses are located decorative flowers. Mao who, aware of cases from the fact that plants, KTRE beautifully blooming every year on our balconies, in gardens and pots set in is ruled on the windowsill, can contribute the death of our cat.
Cats are Pets, which are very sensitive to toxic substances. The owners animals sheds are not always aware of the fact that a beautiful flower, ktrego given in honor of, can be mortal threat to their pet. Most anchors loves nibbling all kinds of Plants - regardless of whether it is a cat grass, star of Bethlehem is a beautiful alpine fioek. Throw a course exceptions, but certainly we can not mie, the cat, who does not gnaw kwiatkw, one day it does not start. Better to blow a cold. Below we present a letter kwiatw that you must remove from the apartment, when we decide on a kitten. Unfortunately, it is very Duga, but it's worth writing on wzgldzie animal's welfare. Plants sheds bouquet Amaryllis sp - amaryllis, amaryllis sheds Celastrus sp - dawisz, sodkogorz Chrysanthemum sp - chrysanthemum, Colchicum autumnale zocie - Euonymus japonicus autumn crocus - The Japanese Euonymus Euphorbia milii - spurge E. pulcherrima - poinsettia Helleborus niger - hellebore Ilex sp - holly Phoradendron sp - Mistletoe Solanum pseudocapsicum - an ornamental variety blame
Plants potted sheds Alocasia sp Aloe vera - Aloe sp Azalea - Azalea diffenbachia sp - diffenbachia Dracaena - Dracaena, Ficus Smokovec Hydragea Geranium sp - sp hydrangea Hedera helix - English ivy (many variations) Ligustrum sp - liguster Narcissus sp - Narcissus Nicotiana sp - tobacco decorative Philodendron sp - philodendron Rhododendron Ficus sp - ranecznik, rhododendron
Plants, garden and wild rising, direct action Abrus precatorius Actaea spicata - Czerniec sheds must Allium sp - garlic Parthenocissus quinquefolia - wild wine Atropa sheds belladonna - cry wolf-berry Aconitum sp - Aconite Aesculus hippocastanum - horse chestnut Arisaema triphyllum - obrazkowiec Avocado Flowers Onion, such as tulip, hyacinth, iris Buxus sp - boxwood Cestrum nocturnum Clematis virginiana - Conium maculatum powjnik virginiana - Convallaria majalis sly snake - lily of the valley cyclamen sp - fioek alpine cyclamen mezereum Daphne - Daphne wilczeyko Datura sp - White Delphinium - ostrka Descurainia pinnata Digitalis purpurea - purple foxglove Dicentra cucullaria - Bishop hearts D. spectabilis - adniszka prove, Dicentra Ipomea purpurea Hydrangea sp - Kalmia latifolia hydrangea - kalmia large-Laburnum sp - zotokap Lantana camara sheds Lathyrus sp - Ligustrum vulgare, peas - privet common Liliaceae - Lily Lobelia sp - lobelia Lupinus sp - lupine Solanum sheds lycopersicum - tomato (only part pnca is harmful) sheds Melia azedarach mushrooms - all genres can a potential sheds threat Narcissus sheds sp - Nerium oleander narcissus - oleander Papaver sp - poppy Parthenocissus quinquefolia - Virginia Creeper piciolistkowy Physalis sp - Physalis Phytolacca americana - szkaratka amerykaska sheds Primula - Primula Prunus sp - winiowate (many varieties, including wild pig, apricot, peach ...) Ranunculus sp - buttercup rhaponticium Rheum - Rhubarb Ricinus communis sheds - common Robinia pseudoacaria towel - black locust, locust Sambucus nigra. - No (blueberry, elderberry) Sanguinaria canadensis Solanaceae - nightshade plants (eg potato but ALSO White) sheds Taxus sp - cis - caa plant Triglochin maritimum - Sea Wibke Rhus toxicodendron L. - ie poison ivy Urtica sp . - nettle Veratum viride - ciemiyca Wisteria sp - sodlin, glycine, wisteria jabek beans (seeds)
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Re: Plants and the cat under one roof, I do not know if you know but healthy cat has an instinct pozwalajcy avoids trujcych of plants. Do not write gupot. Cat will not poison each Plants dbl encounters at home.
Wednesday | 21 Apr 10, 21:25
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