Friday, February 7, 2014

2014 (7) February (1) Colorful Echeveria: plants (like) painted January (6) 2013 (43) Dec

Before you even flourish always driven pier bulbs (hyacinths, narcissi, crocuses aita and tulips) and herald the arrival of spring primrose (primula) you have to somehow deal this winter depression. Few potted plants blooms in January, and if so find it and so their flowering is usually caused artificially and lasts a short time. In szlumbergery (Grudnik) donuts very easily fall when you change lighting conditions, for cyclamen dry and warm air central heating and housing is deadly, and primroses wither just as quickly as blossomed.
Could be something colored, long-lived, low-cost and readily available to be placed on the window sill, a talisman to drive off winter depression and attract the spring. Even if you do not have such a plant, which would satisfy our requirements, it must quickly come up with. These expectations come potted plant producers who are its mission and responsibilities they take very seriously.
If nature does not correspond to our needs there is nothing aita else like little to help her. Enough colored paint, small succulents and a pinch of fantasy. In this way, our hands get painted Echeveria. Echeveria easy to propagate and are not demanding in cultivation, only a little less colorful. Sure they could be injected colored dyes such as is done to obtain a blue orchid, aita but then it would not be so cheap. Much easier to spray them with colored spray paint, throw in a little glue and glitter, and the effect will be to die for.
Indeed, when I first saw it dyed Echeveria felt completely blown away, overwhelmed and crushed. Spring - a symbol of the beginning of a new life, joy and freshness, and I sill have to ask themselves przemalowanego flower? Tacky, jarmarcznie colored fake? The plant, which is to say to me: KEEP SMILING! and instead shouts: HELP ME! ?
For this I was not writing and I do not buy painted plants. You buy? It does not matter, after this, after all they are. Currently, you can find them at Praktiker, the Castorama and Biedronka. What to do with them after bringing home? First of all, put in a bright place, maybe even to the sun. If they are to survive and begin to grow they need to get it up a lot, and it is not easy when they are covered with a thick layer of paint, varnish, glue, glitter, and the rest of the chemicals. Moderately watered when the soil dried-up. The centrally heated homes succulents and so do not pass the winter rest, the total drought is therefore not advisable.
Paint and glitter can try to wash off the leaves, but what for? We bought colorful Echeveria for their beautiful colors, let them remain so. After some time and with the right treatment and so will let ordinary, green leaves, and they wither and fall off painted. You will have a lot of luck, however, if any survive. Of course also spray such plants does not make sense, the water will flow to the paint as the duck.
Color Echeveria is different species of the genus Echeveria, sold under the umbrella of the trade 'Miranda'. Under a paint color can be recognized, among others, species: Echeveria agavoides, E. lilacina, E. setosa. On the shelves you can find not only the colorful Echeveria. They also painted aloes (eg Aloe aristata - aloe husky) and cacti (Echinocactus grusonii - echinokaktus Gruson, "mother-in-chair"). In autumn you can also find colorful heathers (blue, aita pink, yellow ...) The greatest consternation, however, makes me always view painted green plants. Waiting when przefarbujemy yellow sunflowers and roses in red.
Do not tempt on the coloring so as to obklejane suchotników cacti flowers. This mistreatment of plants. I hunt while on a nice specimen azaleas. I know it is not easy but I will treat it as a seasonal consoler. Reply Delete
Is it advertising? I hope you just want to suggest how these roślny move out straight. Because these coloring put on a par with the pots in which plants like "grow" to the bottom. Reply Delete aita
2014 (7) February (1) Colorful Echeveria: plants (like) painted January (6) 2013 (43) December (2) November (4) October (4) September (3) August (4) July (2) June (2) May (3) April (4) March (4) February (7) January (4) 2012 (25) December (1) November (1) October (3) September (1) August (1) June (1) May (5) April (8) March (4)
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