Monday, February 17, 2014

Like the covering for winter garden plants growing in the ground, should not be too much of a hurry

Like the covering for winter garden plants growing in the ground, should not be too much of a hurry covering wintering plants outside the container assemblies. During the day when the temperature is maintained above zero, and only slightly decreases at night, the plants will go into winter rest. If too early incase they can not make it complete this process before the onset of cold weather, which will increase their sensitivity to low temperatures. Pots of plants covers only when the temperature over several days kept below 0 C. In anticipation of the winter do not forget to water the plants, especially citronella evergreens that do not fall into winter sleep and before the frost must accumulate sufficient reserves of water in the tissues - we do it in pots until the soil freezes.
Winter citronella cover for boxes require citronella all plants, including those species that are planted in the ground with no problems overwinter in our climate - root ball in the pot is much more exposed to freezing. Require special protection while evergreens. citronella In their case, we need to protect the roots from frost, and the aboveground - further from the sun and wind, under which the plant water evaporates from the leaves, not being able to download it from the frozen ground.
If the pots are portable, it is best to switch them in a secluded, sheltered from the wind and sun spot. Pots isolate from the ground, setting them on a platform of wooden planks, citronella or Styrofoam, and then wrap it with a thick layer of insulating material. Typically, the warming containers used jute, straw mats, polystyrene or thick paper, preferably wavy. We can do this using the bubble wrap. Above-ground parts of plants only secure airy materials such as jute, white Agrowłóknina, straw or greenery (ie twigs of conifers). Clothing should not be too tight - especially in the case of evergreen plants is necessary fresh air, otherwise the cover can develop the disease. Recently appeared on the market a special non-woven bags in which to put the pots with plants. Smaller pots can also insert into cardboard boxes (bearing in mind the insulation from the ground), and free space to fill, eg dry leaves citronella (provided that it comes from healthy plants), citronella bark, Styrofoam pellets, and even crumpled newspapers.
For large and non-portable citronella pots of winter plant protection should think longer during planting, or at the stage of construction pot, warming the interior layer of insulation, such as polystyrene foam - also arrange it on the bottom to isolate the pot was on the floor of the terrace.
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