Saturday, February 15, 2014

Lilies blooming in May. It is easily recognizable bla, fragrant bell-shaped flowers cactus gathered

Lilies blooming in May. It is easily recognizable bla, fragrant bell-shaped flowers cactus gathered on a single pdzie. Lilies of the valley in May, two or three dark green leaves, an ongoing, KTRE dies before the fall, then become a jewelry Plants large, the orange berries. Unfortunately, these fruits are trujce. Lily grows up numerous rozgazione duckling, wild ktrym forms dense carpets, and quickly ran onto large surfaces. At the end of each sprinkler cactus is located pk, with ktrego the spring grows above ground in June Plants. cactus It is not easy to acquire AD varieties of vanilla. The most commonly sought are those with large flowers, as Grandiflora or Fortin's Giant, of flowers, of full Plena, kwitnca on Rowo Rosea, and different prolificans in ktrej instead of single kwiatw grow gazki side with numerous flowers. cactus The real singletons are varieties of ornamental cactus foliage cactus lily of the valley, as Albostriata the limit, with cream ykami. Lilies grow well in shade or pcieniu slightly Kwan, moist soil of the content prchnicy. These can grow to sunshine, but then the list sooner brzowiej. In the shadow of better tolerate drought and roots of trees and krzeww ssiadujcych. Lilies of the valley rising, direct action on sabej soil supplies worth autumn cikowaniem - przekompostowanym manure, compost garden or layers opadych LiCl (preferably with linden, hornbeam and hazel). Najatwiej Plants mnony up by division. Their kcza should be dug in early spring or fall, split and recline to a new location - Pytko, to deeply 3 cm. If you dug kcza must be stored for some time, attributable to equity waurowej them place the box and showered with moist compost or peat. Rolina is very expansive and can be writing a problem with the deletion of its underground rozogw. Therefore, you should not lily of the valley plants in ogrdkach rock on small discounts in places cactus where mogyby dominated or zaguszy other Plants. If you decide after all it will seat up wssiedztwie other kwiatw, good will The solution to separate these rolin plastic there. Lily of the valley is suitable for the large natural ogrodw, where it forms nice clumps under trees and shrubs liciastymi. Especially will vigorously growing up in a friendly cactus shade of hazel. Fast growing up under duymi these conifers - yews, ywotnikami or cyprysikami under ktrymi will create dense carpet. Lilies cactus of the valley we can or other cieniolubnymi rolinami, cactus preferably with expansive cactus species of ground covers: cactus ivy, periwinkle and purple dead-nettle. Spectacular diversion may be KPY ferns, eg piropusznika and narecznicy masculine or Solomon's seal. The solution to take good will and Berg evergreen Mahonia common. You can put up to this composition towering foxgloves, ringtones sided and eagles. A good company will also crinoids and trzykrotka wirginijska, ktrych list will contrast nicely with the dark green lily of the valley. Lilies can pdzi at home. Autumn must be dug from the garden mares and recline in a pot, which he has become must leave to the outside under cover ciki of leaves, bark or agrowkniny. In January, I need to move home, set in place najchodniejszym cactus apartment (about 12 C) and gently watered. After a few weeks, the flowers appear. Przekwitekcza can later back recline spring in the garden. Lily of the valley is the healing of plants. It contains alkaloids cactus used in the production cactus of cardiac and anti Drug Administration. It should be the most trojcych of plants! After it the orange berries often dates back children. Please note that only a few jagd intake can be fatal. ALSO trujca is water, stay in ktrej cite flowers. Lily of plants is unique - it is in fact represented by only one species. It occurs cactus commonly in all over Europe in the temperate climate zone, and takew America, North and Asia. Seen outside of Europe forms differ slightly, so So long regarded as a subspecies or even separate cactus individual species. In Poland, lily of the valley It occurs cactus commonly in the forests and pine forests liciastych in the entire country. cactus The most numerous in Poland pnocnowschodniej. She must not collect or dug out of the woods when it is covered by the Partial protection.
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