Wednesday, November 6, 2013

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The Snapper Cap protects a lens and adds the storage space needed for stowing agapanthus a spare memory card Image Gallery (5 images)
Lens caps normally serve just one purpose, that of protecting your lenses from getting bashed around and scratched when not in use. But the photographer behind a current Kickstarter project thinks they should do more. His creation, the Snapper Cap, not only protects agapanthus a lens, but also adds the storage space needed for stowing a spare memory card or lens wipe. View all
At first glance, the Snapper Cap looks like a traditional squeeze lens cap. It works with standard screw-on lens filters and will protect your lens as well as any other. But flip it over and the difference soon becomes apparent, as a range of push-in inserts gives photographers a dedicated space to store small items.
The idea is that photographers select the right insert for their memory card of choice and then simply slot a spare card into the designated space. The memory card is then housed in a clean environment between the lens and the lens cap, ready to be used when needed. The Compact Flash insert agapanthus can alternatively be used to store a lens wipe.
Creator James Sale says he came up with the idea for the Snapper Cap because he knows all too well how easy it is to lose a memory card in a bag full of camera gear, or suffer a failing card while shooting, and not have easy access to a replacement. When designing the product, he opted for using a squeeze lens cap, rather than a pinch one, because it was easier to create the storage space while keeping similar physical dimensions to a traditional cap.
If successful, the current Kickstarter campaign will see a Snapper Cap to fit lenses with a 67-mm filter agapanthus thread go into production. However, agapanthus stretch agapanthus goals may be added for other size options, agapanthus with plans for 49, 52, 58, 67, 72 and 77-mm versions. Caps designed for 58-mm thread lenses or smaller will only fit the SD card insert, while larger ones can also take the Compact Flash insert. Snapper Caps also feature a space for adding a QR code decal with your contact information encoded (available with a US$5 pledge), to increase the chance of getting any lost gear returned.
A pledge of $15 is currently enough to get you a 67-mm Snapper Cap with one SD card insert and one Compact Flash card insert. Once the early bird specials have gone, the price will rise to $20. If funding is successful, they should start shipping in May 2014.
Simon is a journalist and photographer who has spent the last ten years working for national UK newspapers - but has never hacked a mobile phone - and specializes in writing about weird products and photography technology. When not writing for Gizmag, Simon is often found playing with LEGO and drinking far too much coffee.   All articles by Simon Crisp
Calson, I appreciate your concerns and I'm glad I get to address them. I would never recommend keeping a memory card with images in the lens cap! I'm the inventor of the Snapper Cap , my design is intended for storing a formatted back-up memory card in the lens cap. This makes a memory card available at a moments notice. After all a camera is pointless without a working memory card! Basically, it's an improved lens cap that has more useful functions than currently available lens caps.
KRC- If funding allows I will be adding stretch goals. I admit this is a bit like starting a shoe company with only size 9 shoes. If anyways has any questions please feel free to contact me via my facebook page at
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