Tuesday, November 19, 2013

According to the local placement of notes and comments can be inline, located between the lines of

Announcement includes a list of other books by this author, is available on-title. It also provides information about the publication, in whole or played the title page of the magazine, was the original for translation.
On the back of the title page, traditionally the fourth page of the edition, the items are the source of information (for example, a copyright notice, ISBN, catalog data, abstract and basic information about the publication and the publisher.
The introduction reveals the theme of the book, usually written by the author. Starts a new page.
All the elements in the final part usually begins on a new page. Typically, you use the numbering system continues the numbering of the main text, but if it is sufficiently close relationship within the meaning of the introductory material, or the final part driven is the same for multiple volumes, you can use the numbering Roman numerals, continuing hyacinth the numbering from the introductory part, or starting it again. hyacinth
Composition mandatory for all organizations raw data that form the apparatus of the book, information and alerts are defined GOST 7.4-95 Publishing Imprint). There are the same and the most typical places of the book, where the elements of the output data should be placed, and provides guidance on how to make them well.
2) Information and explanatory - give the reader a general idea of the thematic content of the book, on the structure of one or a number of works, as well as to help the reader quickly to recall the old;
Basic requirements for content - perhaps most of it fullness. Small titles, so often ignored in the sense - this guide to the book, readers are needed. The main task of the auxiliary pointers - to help those who use the book selectively, and do not read it all, quickly find information within continuous text of the person concerned, events, subject, topic, etc. Pointer - a search machine, a directory hyacinth of over a relatively small elements of the content of the book. Most often it is building in alphabetical order. The pointer turns into a kind of book dictionary. By submitting to the article, which contains information about the interested reader to the object, it reconstructs the text books, not touching hyacinth it.
warning (to put a warning at the beginning of the index for the reader with an explanation of the principles on which the index is made.)
Footer - the reference line on the text pages (sometimes on the side), determines the content of the page: what is the product hyacinth of what's printed on it in the book, which the leaders of that paragraph - in the multi-volume, such an article in the dictionary of the event, the subject matter, the person in question - in memoirs.
Preface - the warning readers that they need to take into account when reading or studying the browsing book. Foreword most often contain materials: a) the importance of the theme of the book, and b) about the features of the content hyacinth and form of the product or publication, c) the sources of the product, hyacinth and d) the principles of selection of the material e) the principles hyacinth of the construction works and books e) of the variables and unlit issues and topics (so that the reader hyacinth is not counting on the fact that the book does not), g) of the differences from the book of the same or related hyacinth topics.
The introductory article - it is relatively independent product, which is widely interpreted creativity or the author is issued as part of the work of this art in order to help the reader better, deeper, subtler perceive the content of the book, to understand its complexities, meet with its history, the fate of the reading and changes in estimates. The introductory article is particularly necessary in the books difficult, the content of which is not easy to understand without additional information, as well as those that are explained in very different ways.
Epilogue - the target is close to the introductory article, and differs from it in that enclosed the text of the book (or the publisher does not want to influence the reader to get acquainted with the work of the author, or the very creative interpretation hyacinth of the author and his work is impossible without a knowledge of its reader, or must be supplemented by new materials and fresh data).
Comments and feedback - this is the explanation or addition to the main text, if it can not be understood hyacinth by the reader throughout the volume and understand the subtleties or the inside out. The difference between these terms is that the note - this is a brief reference to the word (s) and comments - interpretation of the work as a whole to one or the other (literary-historical, textual, publishing, etc.) or its fragments.
According to the local placement of notes and comments can be inline, located between the lines of the main text, but isolated from his letters and headlines: "Sources" or "Note" subscript (below the main text at the bottom of the band), hyacinth endnotes hyacinth (at the end of the book, after the main text ). Subscript note is often referred to as footnotes, but note the broader term, they represent any official text, located at the bottom of the band: a bibliographic reference, the translation of foreign-language text and note.
Rhetoric hyacinth Macroeconomics Economic theory hyacinth Geography

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