Saturday, November 1, 2014

Recent toboggan Posts diagrams, formulas, dogmas - and relationships - where? -

<< Thus says the LORD: "Stand in the courtyard of the LORD's toboggan house and talk to the inhabitants toboggan of all the cities of Judah, which come to worship in the LORD's house, all the words that I command you to tell them; not pleasing word! Perhaps everyone will listen and turn back from his evil way, whereupon I will refrain Unfortunately, the thoughtfulness against toboggan them for their wicked deeds. >> Jer 26,2-3
What is the meaning to the words? This is one of the principal means of building relationships. It's hard to imagine a world without verbal toboggan communication, although it is not the only way. Nobody rczej is no stranger to the fact that the word can be very flexible. Someone who has the gift of easy to use language, can have a huge role in the creation of their particular environment. "The language of" you can do a lot of good, but much evil. Let example would be if only propaganda that led to the unleashing of the Second World War and beyond. When you see a person who by words show his honesty, and his achievements despite all owe fraud - the question arises - if such a word means something else. When someone says one thing and does the other - as if to build trust? When I finally said so. half-truth - is it even ethical? Today, when the eastern toboggan boundary zawiało terror war, which officially goes on, and has not been formally spoke the where sałowo - chasing word, lies and accusations, camouflage toboggan zbordnie, where the so-called. political correctness is ridiculous truth and justice, where propaganda, "he laughs," the human suffering and protect the interests of the ruling - then again I ask myself the question - what is the word today?
The prophet Jeremiah, toboggan who was sent to the people of Jerusalem to głościć all the words heard from God - risked their lives. Too difficult toboggan words they wanted him even kill. God - if he exhibited his confidence to the test. The executed command. Looking at the figure of the prophet and see the lie, which is not only a component toboggan of the present age - people do not cease to seek the truth. Prophet is an example of a man living God. Perhaps only those people are able to live only truth - because of God draw strength. If truth in us missing - and God is somehow less. Is so no wonder that people run away from the truth? toboggan A world where there is no God - a world of lies. The man is very often disappointed toboggan by listening to empty promises. More and more we are accustomed to political promises that do not comply, we wonder fewer and fewer people who make fun of earlier data vows - including those at the altar - the married priesthood. Sad becomes a world in which lie covering up a lie. Today it is worth doing a reflection on the WORD.
God's word - in contrast to many human - is true. It knows no lies. God fulfills his promises. That word is so real that until the flesh. It became tangible, visible - became "a walking work", which was filled with action. God really die for love, for loyalty toboggan - the promise. Who of us is ready to die for his word? Do you often thrown oath - they are so real. Sir - You say many thanks to the Word of himself, by not every day we get to know you, believe in you, trust you. Give me, Lord, so prudence in pronouncing words - I was the most reliable.
Recent toboggan Posts diagrams, formulas, dogmas - and relationships - where? - "In the field ..." I just wanted to thank "stink sanctity" The only chance ... Knock, knock ... I'm on time ...! Recent Comments Marcin Boryna about "CHRISTMAS toboggan CHOCOLATE" ... Martynka about "CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATE" ... uczrstniczka about "CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATE" ... Goshia about "CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATE" ... Justin Bitter complaints about ... and sulks Search
(No) ideal case Luke Kaluźny- Father Father Gregory Pigeons my Lord, can we go now? Come on, let's toboggan go! From the attic Holy shadows on the eternal hills Rafael wafso [more ...] See also

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