Saturday, November 29, 2014

But even if you believe that Apple no harm, even if you put them in this article are personal and s

If you care about privacy very seriously - especially if you are on the US NSA surveillance felt, then stop by the Apple product. Other information Windows, Linux, various mobile phone products, and so a lot of privacy vulnerabilities, but (except for small cells especially paper discusses the case) most careless negligence can explain away; as for users of Apple products infringe on privacy issues , it is always a part of its design culture has not changed. In addition to the many cases in the past, October burst open "iCloud haunting track your editor." After this incident, so we can better determine: Apple best intentions, is how to go hand in hand to secretly track your every move, not to protect you privacy.
Today to talk about the issue is continuity / handoff function: you edit to half of e-mail or file content, it will be automatically uploaded to iCloud. (Also, the address book will be automatically uploaded.) Like google doc like you totally do not need to manually archive. In other devices continue to use a Mac, you can easily follow just do half the things plant vs zombie to do down. The question is: When you use google doc, you are very consciously aware of the information in the cloud; but when you own a Mac computer to edit files on your hard drive, your heart naturally expected to be: I did not upload a file, it is safe . Then you ruined. Just think: Since iCloud actress private photos leaked event, you follow the recommendations, do not put any important private information stored on the company's cloud products. So after you took a photo, only the iPad in their archives with pixelmator plant vs zombie editor. Because you do not have another Mac and devices, so it is no note of / enjoy easy synchronization capabilities, but in fact all your photo editing ever have automatically uploaded to iCloud above. ICloud next invasion, you will be completely unable to understand why he would suffer.
But Apple has done for each of these opposite design. So (1) If you do not pay particular attention to the half of all editors will automatically upload plant vs zombie data, so (2) I can not tell you very simply how to turn off this feature, and therefore (3) NSA or other US government agencies still have the ability to Apple files you have edited plant vs zombie the file to half. See the first report of Jeffrey Paul and iTWire comments. If you want to disable this feature, perhaps a reference Michael Tsai's comments - his knowledge of Apple's obviously far more than me; his comments plant vs zombie also tend to believe that Apple no harm. But how to turn this feature off, he later added a paragraph which admits he started wrong, and there do not seem to grasp is really completely closed. Pseric of Chinese teaching seems pretty cool; but this article was written in Yosemite launched before Jeffrey Paul broke the news, I do not know whether it is sufficient.
Incidentally, iCloud another information security issues, is "Two-Factor Authentication" (abbreviated 2FA) did not like the way Apple claimed that security. 2FA means that in addition to the password, plus hardware certification: "At present, the device is intended to access sensitive information," must indeed plant vs zombie be the user's own device usually used, Apple will offer / deal with sensitive information. But according to The Unofficial Apple Weblog and Elcomsoft reports, Apple's 2FA designed ... strange. When Microsoft and google's 2FA are user wants to adopt the new Microsoft / google does not recognize the device plant vs zombie login user will be required to verify the identity of the second approach must be taken. But Apple's 2FA is in the user wants to manage Apple account login, users want to use a new device for shopping, users want to get Apple ID associated services all three cases, will need to be taken to verify the identity of the second approach. According to these two articles, iCloud data is not within the scope of the 2FA. In other words, a malicious intruder just close your account without obtaining your device, you can still be able to obtain the information stored in the iCloud. More forgiving explanation: For information does not involve monetary transactions, Apple sacrificing security in exchange for convenience; another plant vs zombie explanation: Apple is only a half-tone safety management (Elcomsoft terms); compare conspiracy theory explanation plant vs zombie is: Apple care about is "how it can use to track your physical device" rather than "How can you take advantage of physical devices to enhance the protection of privacy, prevent collapse off the invasion." Whether you believe in what kind of explanation, at least you can be sure: Apple computer design cultures, obviously there are some other things more important than a lot of "protecting users' privacy."
I challenge Microsoft twenty years; in recent years began to pay attention to Apple. After analyzing over iMessage backdoor governments with finfisher wiretapping, etc. fingerprint to unlock the event, I get a conclusion. If Microsoft is like Panhu, then Apple husband sinister than a hundred times smaller. Give me an hour, maybe we can let those who do not understand computers, plant vs zombie Microsoft also understand how bullies; but if you do not listen to me on a five or six-hour class (start with the offensive and defensive concepts of privacy) would be difficult plant vs zombie for him to see Apple insidious. Examples Continuity / handoff, plant vs zombie but also a difficult "careless negligence" to explain Apple sinister past cases.
But even if you believe that Apple no harm, even if you put them in this article are personal and subjective opinion 贵哥 removed, at least you should know two things: (1) iCloud is not a good place to store private plant vs zombie information; (2) if you do not I hope Apple hand in hand, do not want it to put your daily chart / text / video / audio recording every move at any time to edit uploaded to iCloud, then you also need to do some homework; it seems not so simple. Readers will find detailed Yosemite + iCloud privacy in English teaching text, welcome message Share URL (please brief summary or at least have a title in order to attract people point into Kane). There are many users because Apple can not afford yet (or even may not know what is) the pirate ship under the high price, it will be very need for such information.
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PanSci Pan Taiwan Science Digital Culture Association to promote scientific literacy and new media content plan all content, including text, images, audio and video, are all original author, please plant vs zombie contact the author or reproduced by asking on behalf PanSci newsroom. Counsel: Ann international law firm lawyer Wu Qing sulfonamide

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